Personal Bed Bug Detector
Are you looking for a personal bed bug detector to help you sleep tight when staying in a hotel room? Perhaps you’re being bitten, suspect it’s a bed bug, and would like to confirm your suspensions.

Woman holding a personal handheld bed bug detector over mattress to detect bedbugs.
I received an email today from Bill Moyer at Termite Detection Systems, Inc. (TDS) addressed to himself but using my email address which usually indicates spam. In the email, they raved about their new handheld Bed Bug Detector (BBD100), which sells for $299.
This new BBD100 Personal Bed Bug Detector evolved from our patented professional Termite Detector that we have been selling all over the world for over ten years. Our professional Termite Detector uses Carbon Dioxide gas, (CO2), to detect termites. Termites produce more CO2 than all other living things combined. Bed bugs also produce large amounts of CO2 from their digestion of blood. We discovered this from our termite customers and our professional equipment has been used over the last year by pest control operators as a dual purpose detector for termites as well as bed bugs with great results.
We have been diligently working for a year and a half to refine our process for bed bug detection away from CO2 due to the possible interference from the operator’s breathing. A professional pest control operator learns how to adjust for their exhaled breath that can cause an occasional false alarm when searching for bed bugs. We solved this problem in our new BBD100 Personal Bed Bug Detector by not using CO2 as a detection gas for bed bugs. We use different gases as bed bug indicators with extremely accurate sensor technology and exact computer programming. This great new affordable product gives no false alarms due to operator breathing and is extremely accurate in finding bed bugs.
Does something like this work? From what I understand, the device detects the CO2 put off by a bed bug.
I have yet to verify if such a device can detect one bug – the amount of CO2 put off by a bed bug is so tiny that I assume only a group of bed bugs in an enclosed area could produce enough CO2 to be detectable.
However, their video shows a pest control specialist detecting one bed bug.
Regardless of their claims and video, I remain skeptical. Don’t get me wrong; I want this to be true (my hotel stays would be worry-free :), but until I try it myself, I consider it too good to be true.
If you decide to buy this Bed Bug Detector, please, write back and let us know your findings.
Suppose you are going to buy this device. In that case, I strongly recommend you buy it from the company on eBay rather than directly, and here is why: Companies take their eBay ratings seriously, and just a few bad ratings can kill their business. Hence, they are more likely to “make it right” than if you deal with them directly -The powder of eBay reviews! The link I’ve provided shows their product on eBay, and they have a very positive rating.
Is there a guaranteed bed bug detection device that’s been proven time and time again? Yes, it’s called a bed bug sniffing dog, just not as handy as a handheld device :)
Notice how the bugs are in a small jar? Notice how the bed bug detector is placed inside the jar and held there to detect them? This does not seem realistic; would it work if you take those bed bugs, put them on the counter or container, like a cardboard box, and then try to detect them?