Man Sues Over Bed Bug Infested Apartment
In Cleveland, a law student from Case Western Reserve University filed a lawsuit against Reserve Square Apartments, claiming that his apartment was infested with bed bugs.
The student, Joshua Bobrowsky, 26, seeks $142,000 to cover the damages. He said everything he owns is infested, and three different apartments have left him with painful welts from being bitten.
On top of that, he has had months of emotional and psychological distress because of the infestation. Bobrowsky has said he cannot sleep because of the bed bugs and that life is no longer enjoyable.
A lawyer representing Reserve Square Apartments is investigating Bobrowsky’s claims. It is claimed that no other tenants have complained of bed bugs.
This incident was covered by By Damon Sims, Northeast Ohio Media Group, in an article titled “Case Western law student sues Reserve Square, claiming bedbugs infested apartment,” where the following comment was left:
It is unfortunate that a newspaper article can be rushed to print without first confirming all of the facts related to a particular incident. Such is the case with today’s article about bedbug infestation at Reserve Square. The facts are as follows: Mr. Bobrowsky first took occupancy of his apartment unit on or about April 11, 2008, over four months prior to the first and only claimed bedbug incident. Upon receiving the complaint on August 25, 2008, Reserve Square management immediately provided a corporate suite for him to move to, and brought in a pest control company the next day to inspect and treat the original unit. Evidence of bedbugs was found, however no live insects were detected at the time. On August 28, 2008, Rentokil, one of the top pest control firms in the area was brought in to take additional preventive measures, including steam cleaning Mr. Bobrowsky’s furniture and carpeting. Follow-up inspections and treatments took place on September 11 and 25, and no evidence of bedbugs was found or detected. Reserve Square also had all surrounding apartments inspected and treated, and no evidence of bedbugs was discovered. On September 25, 2008, Rentokil determined that the original unit was clear of any bedbugs.
Mr. Bobrowsky was not satisfied with the alternate unit provided to him, but made no complaint of bedbugs or any other insect at the time. On September 12, 2008, he was again moved to another unit, and again there was no evidence of insect infestation, nor did Mr. Bobrowsky complain of further bedbug incidents. Mr. Bobrowsky refused to move back into his original unit, and abandoned his belongings and furniture. The only way for Reserve Square to regain the apartment was to file an eviction, which was in fact granted. Mr. Bobrowsky’s belongings and furniture have been placed in storage at our expense, as he still refuses to reclaim them.
Reserve Square has an active pest control program, and immediately reacts to any complaint of insect infestation. Thousands of dollars a year are spent on this program. Bedbugs can be brought into a building in the furniture, mattresses, luggage and even clothing. Mr. Bobrowsky had advised the Rentokil representative that he had been traveling, but provided no other details. We can only assume they arrived with Mr. Bobrowsky, as there was no evidence of infestation at the time of rental, and no evidence in any surrounding units.
There are other complaints of infestation in the comments, such as those left by Kendeeoh or tr1ck4you.
According to the story, K&D Group filed a complaint against Bobrowsky and the case was dropped. In 2014, Judge John O’Donnell scheduled the two-week trial for May 28 to discuss a different compalint against K&D for buckling drywall, leaky ceilings and cracking paint. See “Trial looms for Stonebridge Towers homeowners vs K&D Group, CEO Doug Price” for more info.
Moved into apartment that had been prior treated 8 times and was reassured the apartment was CLEAN. 2nd day into staying here and found bed bugs. What can I do when the “landlord” assures the apartment is bed bug free and it isn’t…….?
I have been dealing with bed bugs as well . We just moved in to our new apt 2 months ago and i noticed my son had a bunch of what i thought bug bites from OUTSIDE come to find out they were bed bugs. I have never had bed bugs in my life and I’m about to have a nervous breakdown.
I spoke with some of my neighbors and they have them too. I told the landlord and it took her 3 days to get someone to spray , which i guess isn’t to bad compared to the stories i read. Landlord said i have to pay every time i want it treated but i don’t feel i should pay when i just moved into a place that already had them and i was never informed.
i know i didn’t have them before because i had moved in from another apt building , which was nicer but only had 2 bedrooms and i needed a bigger place considering i just had twin girls 3 months ago and have an older daughter and 2 step sons. so 5 kids total . my poor babies have bites all over them and so do my older children.
I don’t know what I’m going to do , i feel like the best choice is for us to move out. When i talked to my own exterminator he said he wouldn’t come out and treat my apt because its pointless when the other apt have them and would need to be treated the same day/time.
All I’m doing is spending money (that i don’t have ) to keep them away for a while just so they come back. life right now is miserable because everything is in bags and i can’t find anything . i can’t live like this and no one else should have to either . problem would be solved if the landlords would just treat all apt. as needed to get rid of the blood suckers ..
Can somebody pls help me about this case i need a lawyer for this case asp ,i call n call to numbers & i dnt get help pks somebody help me
What is the name of the infested apartment complex you live in Mary?
I am a 65 year young woman who always thought at this time of my life I would finally relax and enjoy thew fruits of my labor. NOT!!!! My very large apartment building has had a bed bug problem for at least 6 years. I got rid of them 5 years ago but now they are back with a vengeance!!
They are everywhere!. The bed bugs seem to like the seam on the wall’s right under the ceiling. They come out night and day, so forget about sleeping with lights to deter them. Right now I am sealing off all of my baseboards with Water Proof Silicone and a caulk gun. It comes in white and brown and I have seen a marked difference since I have begun this tedious job. a hip replacement and now I spend my time on the floor sealing my self in a tomb!!
Also check ALL nail hole no matter how small and seal with spackle, because I sprayed some and you wouldn’t believe how many babies came out. I can see this will be my job for life because you can never get totally rid of them or the Exterminator’s would have no job. They know it’s a losing battle but wont tell you. It is very depressing and then I get very mad because I cant live life at all!!!
No visitors, not one picture on any of my walls, my sofa will be going out to the garbage soon and then I have no idea what I am going to sit on. Maybe I’ll get some beach chairs which can be put in the shower and washed with very hot water. What a horrible way to live the final years of my life. I feel for everyone who has this problem.
Good luck to you all, Mary Ann
If you have bed bugs the health dept has to be told it the landlord is not helping you. In Calif it is the law that they have to help my landlady got all smart and said we dont have to spray if we dont want to then I got hold of the health dept and they said yes they do. I saw that you can hold your rent in a separate account or the same one but hold it until something is done and by good faith you have the rent and you are not just making excuses.
I am going thru the same thing it is terrible had to throw out our beds now all four of us want the couch. What are we to do except live out of plastic bags for 4 months while they come spray 4 times. Thank God he told me to check my bed when I heard the neighbors had them and sure enough there they were lil baby ones and the big fat one full of blood that had bitten my daughter the day before. Smashed that sucker and it popped full of red blood SICK SICK, I am looking for a new place to move because I will never get rid of them because the other neighbors lied to the pest control when they went to their door. She said no we dont have them.
Well only 6 days earlier in the middle of the night I saw the dad and son throwing out their bed and I said whats wrong you have bed bugs he said yes very angrily. Well if they are going to lie, dont know why I am moving out of here. My daughter is very alergic to things like bugs and her welts are hugh. It is too sad. So forget the landlady in saying we dont have to spray, I found out today she does by the words of the health dept. Pegge in Anaheim Calif. I feel so sad for all of you that are going thru this it is terrible.
We are homeless and lived in a motel since june, it’s sad! 1/2 the people have bed bugs half don’t, and like the one guy said millionaires can bring them home from something they bought from an estate sale, cant sue, wont win!! I thank god we don’t have any. I keep our studio spotless and most of all do my own cleaning; that maid isn’t bringing that bed bug egg infested vaccum in my place, as we bought our own! And no one can use it, and believe it, they all ask! Just pray our family finds a normal life all living in 1 room breaks my heart and $800.00 monthly breaks our wallet, just can’t come up with security, 1st and last month’s deposit, etc, but we are not on welfare so good for us!!
I just wanted to say I live in an apartment. I am not looking for help or anything. But my fiance and I just got a bad infestation; apparently when we bombed the house the bed bugs moved to the apartment upstairs. I saw someone on here that wanted to sue there neighbor for them getting bed bugs.
Do your research, they can come from anywhere. Just because your neighbor has them doesn’t mean that you got them from him or her. So that is unfair if you drag them into court for you getting bugs. It has nothing to do with whether your dirty or not.
I read that you can get them from even the nicest 5 star hotels. So don’t drag people into court. There are ways to get rid of them. And as far as not having any money there are lots of cheap things that you can buy at your local hardware stores that will kill them, such as diatomaceous earth (Bed Bug Dust). You just have to take the time to treat them. If you don’t want to do that then exterminate.
I have the same problem. They’re all over in my bedroom, my living room even my kitchen. The bites are VERY painful, my landlord won’t do a thing about it. I can’t afford a lawyer. What can I do?? Is there anything I CAN do?? I want to sue. My cat has bites. He runs around and meows all night long. They’re feeding off me and my cat and the landlord won’t do a dang thing about it. Are there any options for a 21 year old man on a fixed income lawyer-wise in the state of Wisconsin??
I have bedbugs in the corner of my ceiling all over the mattress bed, but the bug man did not spray anywhere else. What do I do? The smell is so strong in my son’s room I can’t sleep in there. I can’t sleep I can’t eat I am so stressed out what do I do. The bed bugs came into the front room, but he did not spray in the front room. I am a single mother with no job I am a full-time college student I have no family I don’t know what to do I live in Calhoun, Georgia the “forgotten City”.
I have a similar problem and the management is not very co-operative. How can I find a good lawyer to deal with this? I am in Michigan.
i have lived in my apartment for a little over three years now, a few months back we had a problem with roaches, (i don’t live in the best part of town) my house is always clean and when the exterminator came to spray for the roaches my neighbor informed me that he thought he might have bed bugs.
About 2 months ago i started getting bites everywhere, i cannot afford to go out and buy new stuff, i am a stay at home mom with two small children and my husband only makes minimum wage, my question is can i sue the neighbor and make him buy my new furniture, beds, and other stuff i am gonna have to throw out. i am the only one being bitten, and for the longest time my husband thought i was crazy, until today when i was re-arranging the bedroom and found some! some one help me!
My boyfriend and i moved to Colorado from California in hopes of starting a new life together. we had moved into this cheap 1bed 1 bath apartment due to the fact that we are flat broke and trying to make it. we have a cat and 1 day i see him staring at the wall following something near his food bowl.
and there it was this small flat brown bug.
so i looked it up and sure enough BEDBUGS! right after we noticed bites showing up here and there and lots of them. i also found 1 in the bathroom of all places. i was so paranoid i ripped my house apart and cleaned like no other.
when i notified the landlord it was no shock to them and said they would send someone out between 12-2pm a day after and gave us a list of things to do like wash and dry our clothes and bag up everything etc.. so we did EVERYTHING.
the morning they were supposed to come we removed my cat and came back to the house around 11:30am to find that the exterminator had already sprayed and was leaving. he said he inspected and sprayed and found nothing in the mattress or couch and really questioned if we had them. we were so relieved to know that we might be able to actually sleep and not get eaten up. we even borrowed money to get mattress covers, threw away our couch, and haven’t taken our stuff out of the bags just in case.
about a week later i was in the bathroom dying my hair and i couldn’t believe my eyes. this bedbug was crawling out of a crack in the wall and fell into my dying supplies. all of that relief out the window! this time i kept it for evidence. the stress of having them is making us crazy! this just happened last night.
i feel for every single person who has ever come across a bedbug problem.
i feel that this place is inhabitable. we should not have to stay here 1 more night. but we have no where to go and no money. our families are trying to put money together for us to get outta this hell by the end of the month.
we want to leave today. shouldn’t the landlords at least pro-rate our rent? or something?? we did not pay rent to live in hell!
i am tired of not sleeping, living in bags, having no furniture, cant even have people over and bedbugs crawling out of the walls! this stress really messing with us and driving us mad! i get to talk to the landlord tomorrow and see what they will do.
wish me luck as i do for every1 with this problem.
I have been itching for several months but could not identify the reason. One evening when I go into bed, I say a bed bug run across my pillow. It has now been a month and a half and the property management office is dragging its feet to resolve the problem. I am at the point where I am going to cal the health department and sue them. I was out of this unit and development.
DESERT JEWEL APARTMENTS Arizona: My unit infested with bedbugs. The management pretends they will call an exterminator and nobody will EVER actually be called. They are cheap and the manager knows there is an infestation. I had to throw away furniture and more and move to get rid of bedbugs. My son and I are allergic and at one point we each had over one hundred welt like bites on our bodies. I slept with the lights on for two months after I moved due to being totally traumatized. If you have bedbugs…MOVE! IT’S YOUR ONLY HOPE!
I have only heard of bed bugs an now i had the unfortunate experience of dealing with them personally! I moved into a slum place an the so called caretaker was suppose to care an tell ppl bout it but no,…i was in apt 12 since may 2011 to Aug 2011 is when i moved downstairs to apt when i moved in the carpet was not changed maybe for 10 yrs probably it was nasty but i moved in any way.
I’ve had no sleep, up with the bites an the itching an scratchy an being not able to sleep…so i went to s.m.e.r.l.s. low income attorneys an told them about this so they took the case an the slumlord sold the building when he was notified to take care of the mouse an bedbug infestations…so we got a new owner September an they started treatment for bedbugs
Late oct.2011..we had had a bedbug sniffer dog detect the bugs….cool…an they sprayed an heat treated an i had to do all the laundry an throw a couch out but number 12 apt didn’t have bedbugs…weird so i know for a fact i got them from this old carpet that was never changed.
This has been the worse experience i ever went thru..the laundry cost over 100.00$ which i didn’t have an the energy to put everything in bags an have to keep them in bags til after the second treatment was awfully long to keep getting out of them garbage bags our cloths an towels was not easy to keep everything in bags an packed up in the middle of Ur apt, i felt so discombobulated!
So now it s been just over a month my apt has been treated i am now starting to feel them again ….uuugh…but not as bad as b4 … ….should i sue the old caretaker ?….the new owners fired him the ex he moved …i’m so mad at the ex caretaker for not caring, an i have a child she s 3 yrs old an an wow…i cant explain how upset i’m with him….
I am writing this because I am so upset about the way my friend was treated at Madera Court Apts 8135 N. 35th. Ave. Phoenix,Az. Apparently, she found bed bugs in her apt. and she called the manager and reported the problem. She was told the problem would be resolved.
It did not happen fast enough so my friend took matters into her own hands. She threw away her bed and bedding, two couches and various personal items. She was totally paranoid about these bugs. When I went to visit she showed me some that she had caught. I went home and started tearing my home apart so I know how she was feeling. After she threw her furniture away she started cleaning, she vacuumed everywhere, scrubbed the walls and cleaned the walls. She cleaned until she made herself sick. She is a sixty-five year old woman that had open heart surgery a couple of years ago and was in a coma for a month. Since that time stress and something like frenetic cleaning bring on terrible pain attacks. No doubt sleeping on the floor did not help her get proper rest after all this cleaning.
Finally, she was notified that an exterminator would be there and the instructions for what she needed to do to prepare for the treatment. Unfortunately, she was not ready when he arrived. She asked for an additional five minutes. She indicated that she had two heavy pieces of furniture to move away from the wall. He said that he did not have time for this and was not going to continue the treatment.
Things went down hill fast. My friend was suffering from lack of rest(the floor is hard) and stress. The bug man called the manager and she entered the verbal altercation. I know my friend was wrong, she should not have called the woman a fat pig. A situation like this can really get to you. Well it is really getting to my friend, after living there for seven years she is being evicted from Madera Court. She was given a summons to appear in court in Surprise, Az. That is a long way from 35th. Ave and her without a car.
The apt. people a lucky they are just dealing with my yelling friend. If it were me I would be looking at suing for the damage and the stress this has caused my friend. Additionally, I think she should be given back her deposit and compensated for any rent incurred during these buggy times. Furthermore, She should be reimbursed for whatever costs may be included for replacing her bed and bedding, two couches and various personal items. Madera Court should consider the physical capabilities of their residents before making demands that are overwhelming for that person. Maybe they should offer to help move those heavy pieces of furniture. I know the bug problem is not the apts. fault, but it is not the residents either and they are the ones with their lives completely disrupted and in my friends case homeless.
Shame on you Madera Court and just so everyone knows they are located at 8135 N. 35th. Ave. O! and one other thing I forgot. My friends neighbor was not ready either, but she had a different bug man and he just went ahead and bombed right over the child’s toys.
Having been in the pest control industry for many years, working for multiple pest control companies I can with assurance tell you there is no possible way to guarantee a complete removal of bedbugs from any structure. I always told my customers, “I will do my best, but start looking for a new place to live just in case”. Bedbugs are the only insects that have stumped me on more than one occasion, generally being in mobile homes, it seems almost impossible without total fumigation. Here’s a helpful list of rules off the top of my head to help you prevent getting bed bugs.
1. Don’t risk cheap hotels, and even the nicest ones you need to lift up the mattress and check for brownish reddish spots or the actual bugs themselves.
2. Don’t let your kids have sleep overs at other peoples houses without making sure that where they’re staying at doesn’t have bedbugs.
3. Don’t let anyone or anything into your house that has been around bed bugs recently. (I would strip down naked tie off the clothes in a bag and wash them at work while changing into fresh clothes before I ever went home after a treatment)
4. Don’t get into a friends car if you know he has beg bugs at home.
5. Treat bed bugs like the plague it is and avoid them and people who have them no matter what the circumstance and you’ll be fine.
If the infestation is minimal contact a good pest control company ASAP, there may still be hope. If the infestation is abundant throw away everything, move out, and move on with your life, you’ll be glad you did.
I live in Louisville,Ky.
I moved into my apartment in May 2011.
I have never had a bug in my home so at the end of October I found a strange bug in my apartment and took it to the manager. I had just the week before found out that the two apartments above me had BED BUGS!. I was very irritated and I asked her to send someone over. The maintenance man came to spray and the two days later we saw some on the ceiling. I told her I knew they will get in the ductwork and crawl around to other places. She acted like it was no big deal. Today we had our monthly inspection and the bugs are still here.
They won’t hire a professional to spray because it’s costs money and so they do it themselves.
I can’t afford to buy all new beds and furniture. What can I do?
The guy upstairs call hud on them and they made up things on him and evicted him.
He is taking them to court because he spent four hundred dollars of his money on spray. Do they travel on your clothes?
I am currently undergoing a lawsuit because of this very problem. I moved into an apartment in the beginning of September, and I was not notified of the bed bug infestation until the day that I moved in. And the only reason I knew was because my boyfriend (who picked up my keys), asked about it. I moved 754 miles from my home, and I have not been able to stay in my apartment for over a month and a half. I have been exterminated 8 times (nearly every week), and every single time I have to bag everything in SEALED bags, wash everything in hot water, dry clean, cover walls with drop cloths, dismantle my bed, empty all closets and dressers, vacuum, open all windows… etc.
I am suing for the cost of my hotel stays, lost rent money, additional sealed bag costs, laundry… etc., and I have a winning case. Anybody who rents/sells any place in which they KNOW has a bed bug problem has a special place in hell if you ask me. Because that’s exactly what my experience in this city has been thanks to the guy who I might as well call my slumlord.
We just moved into a beautiful home about 2 months ago and we have recently discovered that our apartment is infested with bedbugs, bedbugs can go months without feeding, if a place has bedbugs and was unoccupied for several months, they can still be there. Bedbugs can sense carbon dioxide (the air you breathe out) so once your there for awhile and they get that one good whiff of carbon dioxide they become active again. A single female bedbug can lay 500-600 eggs in one year (thats millions of tiny little bedbugs crawling around unnoticed, the babies are a lot harder to see, their about as big as a grain of sand.
The thing with bedbugs is that they bite (they don’t even bite, they suck, they don’t have a mouth at all) everybody, some are allergic to their saliva (which I happen to be the only one in my family who is), and some people are not, so luckily for us our kids are not effected by them, like I am. I haven’t slept for 3 days one of the reasons I know so much about these damn things, and if I do sleep its only for about 1 or 2 hours and then I wake up itching. We have thrown our 2 year olds entire bed away, we tossed my 8 month old babies crib away, and getting ready to toss our couch, we are reduced to sleeping on the floor.
We have tried nearly everything to get rid of them. The only way to completely get rid of them is to leave, and leave everything you own behind, you’ll have to start fresh with nothing. Or you could keep trying just to be infested again. The only reason we haven’t done it yet is because this is our first apartment after being homeless for nearly a year, moving from friend to friend and family to family. I know some of you would think “Well, if you were moving around so much you could have picked them up somewhere.” WRONG!
For the first month and a half we never once got bit by a single bedbug! They were already here and they sensed the carbon dioxide from us. bedbugs are a horrible thing to go through I know, I’m dealing with them as I speak. I talked to the owner of the place and he says that there is no history of bedbugs, but there has to be if every one else says that they have had bedbugs before as well, right?
The following should be considered educational and not advice i can only share what worked for me The company “cedarcide” indicates that cedar oil chases them away. I have occasion to go into section 8 housing and have gotten bit from their bugs. I even brought them home. I was able to stop the infestation by using Young Living essential oil Thieves and Purification. The bugs do not like the clove oil. I diluted the oil in a 2 oz spray bottle and sprayed my bed. I suppose if they are established in an entire home more might be needed or nebulized in a “cols” nebulizer like they sell at whole foods. When i go into questionable dwellings i spray my shoes and bag and hands when i leave. So far, so good
Bedbugs have been found everywhere from movie theaters, hotel, retail outlets, hospitals, to anywhere people congregate. There is NO known prevention method that is 100% effective. If you have bedbugs, you can transmit them to family, friends and coworkers simply by visiting or allowing visitors to your home.
Can you be 100% sure that everyone or everyplace you visit is bedbug free?
You will have to be able to prove that the bedbugs are there, management was given knowledge and they did NOTHING to treat the problem. The landlord didn’t create bedbugs, but chances are a tenant brought the bug into the building. Yet, the landlord is always responsible.
There are bedbugs in the apartments at 1101 S. 7th St, Minneapolis. The landlord is concealing the infestation from residents. He’ll only admit to it if cornered. Furthermore, most bedbugs are DDT resistant, that is not the solution. Science needs to find a environmentally friendly solution to the problem before it is too late. They say bedbug bites are harmless – not to one’s psyche.
I live in an apartment building. The management has an exterminator that does inspections and what they call preventative maintenance for roaches and bedbugs. They have just started this for bedbugs recently, which has made me paranoid. They have always done this for roaches. We do not have a problem with roaches as a result. Is there anything an individual apartment tenant can do to prevent getting bed bugs? I hope the management is just being proactive.
I have no words but this, – SUE THEM!
I am a victim of this crap too, moved into what I thought would be a great complex in the Oregon area, boy was I wrong! Moved in December of 2010 and about 2 months ago noticed little rash on my daughters arms and legs. I thought maybe it was hives or something because she is so fare skinned its so hard to tell. Well, one day I went into her room moved her toddler bed around to vacuum and clean like any other day except this time i took her box spring out..that day is banned in my mind.
More than a hundred were down there. I freaked out! Took her bed right outside and hosed it down with bleach and water then told my manager about it.
Well to her sarcasm she yelled at me and told me to take it back inside. I straight up told her to take it into HER house because we were literally infested! Heck no!
Of course we had to spend $400 on it which that money was for rent, well the inspector came out the other day and was about to give us the “GOOD TO GO” green light until he saw my daughters TREATED stuffed animal. Well, got rid of that FAST…later that night around midnight or so because I cannot sleep knowing these blood suckers are still possibly here my youngest cat noticed something on the couch which mind you was treated. Of course being a spaz that I am I freaked out again after I pulled the couch out. Low and behold there was A HUGE amount on the back of my couch!!!!!
I called a friend within seconds after I saw bed bugs and he came took the couch and disposed of it at a local land fill. Now not only is my 3yr old daughter without everything she has known to own even her own wind up toy I had bought when I was pregnant had to be thrown out. But I am now sitting on the carpet which possibly has them under my butt, and all of my clothes have been washed – dried and packed into a suitcase left in the bathroom in the bathtub. I have become homeless because of this situation.
One of my neighbors told me and my mother that OUR apartment was in fact infested with bedbugs and the management knew about it yet let us move in. Now I am looking into legal actions and suing for the damages and stress this has caused us. I am also requesting all rent to be given back along with whatever cost may be included for replacing my daughters bed, toys, bedding, couch anything and everything that was in her room and mine.
My room had a small bed bug infestation but I was never bitten for some reason. I hope to god this guy wins this battle. There is no way on earth you can get rid of bedbugs even after someone comes to clean and kill them. You literally have to get rid of EVERYTHING material you own, wooden objects like toys that are not washable (fit for the dryer), furniture and anything that was around the infested areas.
Don’t get a new bed though, you can use a zipped bed cover protector (plastic is better) leave it on your bed for almost 2 yrs to kill whatever may be left on your bed before or after treatment.
I have boxes of my childhood memories I have to get rid of, unless someone knows how to clean items without a professional ripping you a new a-hole with $400 – $500 treatment PLEASE EMAIL ME!!!!!!!!!
I have a HUGE problem with cockroaches, not bed bugs. I live in a six apartment building and the whole thing is infested by these pests. All tenants complain and every house has them all over, I have taken pictures of them in my own apartment and it is disgusting. There are kids of ages 2-14 and we cannot sleep because they come to our face, they are everywhere in the food storage and furniture.
The landlord does not do anything about it, he buys those cheap home depot bottles that make them duplicate instead of going away. It would cost him $600 a month to bring an exterminator in and he said he will not do it because it’s too much and lets us live in those unacceptable condition. Please I need help what to do because this is not healthy, I myself have a rash in my hand because of the pests and it won’t go away since 2 years. Who should I contact? 311 is no help, every time I call they tell me the building is clean while the roaches crawl in the walls as soon as you enter the building :( HELP
I live in a duplex and i just found out a little over two months ago that my neighbor had bedbugs. She moved out and low and behold guess who got them. Yep u guessed it it was me.
I have two boys ages 10 and 12 and my brother and his girlfriend and my niece who is 5 lives with me and as soon as I noticed them i washed everything and I shampooed all the carpets and it did not work so I decided to use foggers and told the landlord to do the apartment next door also. He brought us spray to spray in the house and outside of the house and he also got foggers to set off in the other apartment.
Guess what a couple days ago I found another bed bug. I also have bites all over my neck and I don’t know what to do. I am 32 yrs old and never in my life have I had to deal with bedbugs and it is driving me crazy that no one cares and they are always pointing fingers.
How can someone who has never had them before be the cause of the infestation. I’m still trying to figure that one out. I already threw out all of my furniture I get to sit on the floor. I actually had to inspect my lawn chairs and bring them in for something to sit on. I think we cleared up most of them but i believe they are still here and I will stop at nothing to get rid of them but how can I be so sure they wont be at the other place i choose to live in.
I think the government needs to step and take care of this problem. It is a national epidemic. something needs to be done. Come on people we need to get together and make them take care of this problem.
Are you referring to Casa Castillo Apartments at 3625 North 38th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85018? I did a search for bed bugs and didn’t find a previous history of infestation, but if the units touch the manager is telling you bed bugs can’t travel from apartment to apartment, chances are they don’t have a clue what they’re talking about! This happens all the time, especially when a pest control company sprays the adjoining apartment for bugs which simply forces them to the next unit!
The fact that the manager called to tell you that you don’t have bed bug because your unit is clean is a sign that she has not idea of what she’s talking about. Bed bugs can infest an apartment, clean or not. Just because you have bed bugs does not mean you are a dirty person.
And if amazes me that the manager treated you so rude only to finally call and explain she got you mixed up with another tenant, she is obviously a hot head and I STRONGLY suggest that from now on, you get everything in writing! A manager like this can easily tell you one thing, then later claim they said different. As for damages, without something in writing, it would be hard to take her to court (and you would lose more time). I’d get the name of the tenant that moved out and contact them to ask if they had pest control problems, you might find a history there!
On this site you’ll find bed bug treatment tips that you can use to keep the bugs away and protect your belongings, such as food grade diatomaceous earth and more. It will help you keep the bed bugs out until your lease is up!
I live in Phx, Arizona and have been in my current apartment for nearly nine months now. I brought the furniture that I have with me from my previous home. I received a notice that the unit directly above me was infested with the bugs so badly that the tenants were evicted.
It took only a few days for me to notice the bites on my arms and legs. The first time that I saw what looked like a bed bug, I called the manager and advised her that I will need the unit exterminated. She set up an inspection date on a day that I was leaving out of town. I called to cancel because I did not feel comfortable with someone entering my home unless I had a house sitter. Upon calling, I was told that since it is hard to get the inspection company out that I could not cancel. I stated this was fine and they may enter.
I returned from my vacation and there was notice or voicemails regarding the bugs. I assumed that no news was good news. I looked online and found that Arizona law required the landlord to do something about the bedbugs 7 days from the initial complaint.
After the bumps kept appearing and getting worse, I went to my doctor who of course found nothing wrong with me. This is when I realized that something was really wrong. After about three months from the initial call to my landlord, I called back and found out that they never came to do the inspection. The manager claimed that she was out of town as well and was extremely apologetic. This is when I expressed that I have NEVER had a bed bug issue and the biting did not begin until shortly after the unit above me was vacated. I suggested that they bugs must have come from upstairs and I was rudely told that this was not possible. I finally got an inspection done a week ago and they found my unit, while very ”neat” and ”clean” was infested. Which would explain the months of sleepless nights and disgusting bites.
I live in Phoenix. It is very hard to have to wear long sleeve shirts to work when it is 110 degrees out. But it had to be done. I then received a call today from the manager claiming that I must have brought the bugs into my unit and since my infestation level was so extreme, she felt that I caused the problem in the unit upstairs. This made no sense to me. The manager then stated that if the problem is not fixed immediately, I may be asked to move out. I was not told about the fumigation until less than 48 hrs in advance. During this time there is an extremely large list of things that I need to do and I have to miss work and study time to take care of them. About and hour after the call today, the manager called back. She said she was sorry and that she got me confused with another tenant. She stated that she knows my unit is clean and I am not at risk for eviction.
I am really confused here. I believe that she realized the bugs came from upstairs and I have evidence that I tried to get the problem fixed months ago and she is threatened. This is my first apartment and I am not sure how things work. I know that the landlord is covering the cost however if the problem persist may I break my lease without being penalized? I have so much beautiful new furniture that was purchased for my BRAND NEW from my mother that is at risk of being thrown out now. Is there anyway that I can get the complex to cover the damages or the day of work I am missing to prepare for the fumigation?
Cathedral SQ Apartment, Providence, RI Infected with BED BUGS. I live in a complex for 2 years and all complex is infested with Bed Bugs, Rodents, Fleas and Roaches. I called Code Enforcement Housing Authority, Health Department and nobody help me…. I’m looking for a lawayer, I need help!
Bed bugs, what can I, as a tenant, do about it?who do I go to for help?the whole apartment complex is infested and can get the tenants information and such about having to deal with infestations as well. Any info you may have, I live in Arizona and really need help with this, please email me @ thank you so much!
Hi Nichole,
There is a free legal service (no need to give any personal information whatsoever) that is run by a medical malpractice attorney called, check it out and see what she says. I know for a fact you’ll need documentation such as pictures or video – you can send those to me at and I’ll post them here – just leave me a description of what you send.
I rented a weekly apartment on Thursday and I did ask about bed bugs and the manager assured it was illegal for him to rent an apartment that was infested. So I believed him and now my one year old daughter as well as myself are getting bit and have lots of marks. I do not have money to go somewhere else but do not want to stay in these conditions i cant even sleep. I have even seen them on the kitchen tile.If anyone has any advice as to what I should ask of the management and what can I do if they refuse please help. Also I dont know if it makes a difference that my lease is written under Arizona Innkeeper Laws as it is a weekly rental. Can i ask them for my moneyback as well as compensation at least for things I have had to dispose of so I dont take the bugs with me?
I had bed bugs..N they are gone now.All i did was put my heater on up all the way and left it like that for two days in the hot Phoenix,Az weather.I left and stayed at a friends house.Heat kills beds bugs.Once you do this yu can then go to Walmart and get a bed and matress case that is allergy and bed bug resistent.They cost around $40.Put your clothes and curtains in the dryer and that will kill them.The heat has to be 120 degrees in order to kill the bed bugs.
okay – here it is – Ive got bedbugs – im on chemotherapy which keave me with NO IMMUNE SYSTEM and i ve gotten bites all ober my arms and legs – saw the bugs and trying to rid them from the one room they are in- Are these disease carriers?? Can i with no immune system get sicker from them?? Its $900 to heat them away and i need assistance paying for this – I need to know if im paying a rental of $1400 monthly and these bugs are considered parasites IF MY LANDLORD IS responsible for ridding them from my home – i have lived here for a year and a month and NOW they surface…….Please help i need to know what to do as i have a compromised health situation and am also allergic as my husband has shown no response to their bites where I look like a human disease. and GOD is this embarrassing dueing chemotreatments
I believe there is a HUGE bed bug infestation at Laurel Village Apartments … 909 Leslie Road in El Cajon, CA. and suggest you do not rent there … the manager will not do anything about it (she told me to buy alcohol to spray on them!).
There is a HUGE bedbug problem in the building where I reside. After getting bedbugs the first time , yes they are back, I found out the girl across the hall from me had them twice. The girl below her had them once. Another girl next to the apartment across from me had them. The girl below me had them, etc.
Though bedbugs are not attracted to dirt like roaches, but blood (which we all have), I am an absolute neat freak! When I reported them to the front office, the lady in the office asked me not to say anything to other tenants, which is unethical. I asked a couple of tenants who were complaining about problems in the building if they had had them. I found out that several units had/have them. When I called L&I in Philadelphia, I was told by someone there that there were so many violations reported that the neighbors should withhold rent in escrow.
I am very upset because Management was fully aware of the problem prior to these critters invading my home and did not take precautions to ensure the safety of all of it’s tenants. I have two sons, one of whom is disabled, so I applied for a mortgage. I model and act, and this has definitely affected my chances at jobs because I have bite marks all over my body. I went to my doctor and was told the marks are permanent! This is terrible!
I found your email on a post on the Internet. I was wondering if you could help me. About three years ago four of five houses on my block has bedbugs. We all got help and got rid of them. My next door neighbor has has them the whole three years and does nothing about it. Every few months we get them back. I have called L&I they won’t do anything I even wrote the landlord a letter and still nothing. I even talked to them personally they just don’t care. Any help/advice you can give is greatly appreciated thank you so much. I can’t keep living like this :(.
If you have bed bugs and live in an apartment, check with your local government–the landlord may be responsible for the extermination of the bugs. I live in Illinois and was told by my landlord that I had to pay for the treatment. I am unemployed as well so I cried at the expense of this all. However, today I received some great news; I was told by the code enforcement officer for the town I live in that the landlord will be ticketed because he is ultimately responsible for any infestation in our apartments. So although the landlord tried to pull a fast one over on me, I will be suing him to receive compensation for my losses. Again, check with your local government and see if they have any code regulations/laws that make the landlord responsible. :) Good luck!
My husband and I have lived in our current apartment for a year and a half. We never had a single issue up until about a month ago when our neighbors across the hall moved out… then the BUGS moved in.
We have been “sprayed” a bunch of times, which from my research, isn’t helping because they’re not treating the whole building- just our unit! Three treatments, new furniture and a month later and I am now being eaten alive! My kids (3 yrs and 8 months) are being bitten, too! We even found a NEST in the baby’s crib skirt after one of the treatments. We have steamed our carpeting, washed all our laundry, everything and can’t get rid of these suckers.
The apartment is trying to slap a band-aid on a severed limb so to speak and I am going to legal aid tomorrow to file paperwork against them.
I have been going through the unfortunate nightmare of having bedbugs, i fortunately know and exterminator personally so got information quick, i know how horrible this experience is and if anyone is lost on what to do if can not afford a whole lot, i surely am willing to give some advise on how i was able to get our issue to be dealt with within 5 days i have a landlord that was not trying to do anything to getting our building some professional treatment.
i haven’t had a bite in 3 days now and the exterminator wont be doing first treatment till tomorrow so i can give tips on that one too, or if you just need someone to talk to that is also going through this nightmare, cause i know how horrible it is.. i’m allergic to their saliva so i now wake up in screaming nightmares that they are crawling all over me. If interested, feel free write.
I believe I have had bed bugs for several months. My husband and I hav live in our apartment complex for almost 11 years and never had bed bugs. My youngest son has been ate up pretty badly. And when I find them it’s always on the ceiling in the corners. I have not found them on his bed or his brothers bed. They have bunkbeds, but I don’t see them. Only on the ceiling. I li e in a 3 level building and have neighbors above me and below me. I am not sure where they came from, I feel so bad for my youngest son. We are in the process of buying a home and plan on bombing the beds and couches. I hope this helps. I also have caught oneand boy are they ugly. And they too have come out in he day light. I just want to b rid of them.
So how should we deal with bed bugs, are there any answers, my daughter has had them in her apartment and has no furniture because of them, should the apartment be held accountable — we all need answers. People are becoming physically sick from all of this. These bugs carry deseases, where are all the right answers, is there somebody out there who can help/
What happened with this case?
Omg ppl. Its 3 am & I’m online reading all this. I just moved to this apt about a month ago and I noticed stains of hair dye paint on the carpet (which told me it was not a new carpet ). I told the guy who rented this place to me. He said everything would be done by that day. When I moved in… I had no furniture because the last place I rented had roaches. So I didn’t want to bring any here. Idk what I came into. I bought those futon bed couches. New. At Wal-Mart. So impossible that bed bugs were there. Everything is new. I became friends with a lady in apt#1 and then come to find out, she was the one who used to live here.
I asked her why she moved and she said because this place had bed bugs and too many roaches. At first I had a few bites but like some of u… I thought maybe mosquitoes. But no, I found one last week! I went to the ER because I’m 4 months pregnant and I guess my body reacts badly due to the bites.
I first notice a bump. Like when u get a TB shot. Kinda bubbly. Then the itch is unbearable. I cry looking at my body. From feet to face… I have over 50 bites. My doctor said maybe scabbies. But I had my doubt because the bumps r not on my kids or husband. =( I told the property management. And I threatened to sue. They said today at 12pm the should be here. They never came.
I’m calling 311 and filing a complaint with the Department of Housing Preservation & Development. I’m calling the Health Department. I’m putting my rest money in Escrow meaning my landlord won’t see the money until they fix my life. I moved from a bad place to worse. Also my neighbors son has the scars of bites all over his body.
Omg I can’t sleep. I cry as I write this. I fear turning off the lights now and I can’t sleep. I feel paranoid. Like a crack head or a tweaker. I’m restless. Tho I been here a month only, I barely got bit about 10 days ago. I can’t stop scratching in my sleep (the little bit I get). I woke up bleeding. I been hidden almost 2 weeks. I missed out on my vacation and family gatherings because my self-esteem has been affected by the bumps everywhere. Even 2 on my face.
When I grocery shop, I use long sleeve shirts and pants and glasses. I’m not hiring a lawyer because Legal Aid provides non-profit lawyers that love taking on these cases. Specially when its a health hazard. This has affected my income too. I’m a female tattoo artist and I have to interact with ppl. And its a fear of maybe carrying a bug into their home or just uncomforting my customer. They see bumps and assume (just as I would too) that they are contagious. I’m demanding they take out my carpet. Get rid of all bugs. Pay for the new beds I bought that got infested by the carpet. Also for my hospital visits. Emotional distress. Loss of wages.
Oh God…. its too much to say. But my law suit will be a Class Action Lawsuit because other tenants have complained also and nothing has been done. Half of the tenants here don’t pay rent because of Tenant Negligence. I know how bad this is. Its itching as I write. The cream wont help. Nothing helps. What’s worse is I’m pregnant so I can’t take pills. I’m suffering and in pain.
Its now 4:02am. Another restless night. All because the Middle East. That’s the origin of these bed bugs. My prayers are with you all. I hope I win my lawsuit. Want updates? Warning….. Nobody rent any apartments in the jungles. I live in Baldwin Hills. Behind the Mall. Yes. Where the Magic Johnson Theater is. All these buildings either have rats, roaches, termites, bedbugs, fleas, etc. Good luck everyone. Don’t forget to call 311. Its free. Get heard. I’m going to try to get some sleep ( with my light on).
XOXO Elianna
I’m a researcher working on a new series of the Animal Planet series “Infested!” We’re currently looking for bed bug stories to feature in the new series and I have been reading the posts on here with great interest. We’re looking for stories of ordinary people who have battled extraordinary infestations and have either been successful in beating it or who have had to move away because the problem became untreatable for one reason or another.
The company I work for is an award-winning producer of hundreds of hours of TV for broadcasters such as Nat Geo, Discovery, BBC and PBS. If anybody on this forum is interested in talking to me about their story drop me a line and I will call you at your convenience:
I’m so mad I don’t know where to begin or who to talk to!
Does anyone know who I would go about to contact and sue my apartment manager. I found out my husband and I had bed bugs a few months ago, and NEVER had them before. We had new neighbors move in. Our Manager failed to tell us that they were infested with them. I went and talked to my neighbor and he said that the manager wont get rid of the bed bugs until they come up with $1,000 to pay for the exterminator. It’s NOT fair, that’s why we got them. My husband and I went out and bombed our house and washed everything, and had a bug guy come in and say they were all gone, now tonight they are back.
I’m mad! My manager still hasn’t bombed the apartment next to me because they can’t come up with that money. Again, it’s not fair, when someone has bed bugs you spray and get rid of them for free at no cost. There’s a lot of other things that go on here. One more thing, I will never live at Cedar PointeApartments in Auburn WA again! Please tell me who I contact. Do I contact the state. There are about 90 units here and about 78 units I understand have bed bugs which I found that out. Please someone Help me. I think they are scamming people for money and not taking care of the issues.
@ Bedbugshavetakenovermylife,
I found this on NYC’s Bed Bug Guide
“Tenants whose landlords do not promptly respond to bed bug complaints can call 311 and file a complaint with the Department of Housing Preservation and Development, and may also hire their own professionals.”
I just found out last night that I have bed bugs also. My landlord neglected to tell me and the other tenants that a girl who moved out in January was infested with them. He bombed her apartment, but not the entire building. She first had it bombed as far back as November, she moved out in January. I just started getting bit a few days ago. They are probably all throughout the building. He’s having the exterminator come out again on Friday, but my attorney told me to tell my landlord that I want to be very clear that he is exterminating the entire building this time and not just my unit. Otherwise my rent money will be put into escrow and he won’t be able to touch it, until it’s resolved.
I having been living with an infestion of bedbugs in my apartment for approx. 3 months. The bedbugs have taken over and I feel hopeless. The landlord is insensitive and implied it is my fault. I sleep at friend and families house, however I cannot go on like this. I have stopped paying rent and they will not get one cent until these bedbugs are gone.
At first I did not know how serious this is , however now the bedbugs come out in the daytime, relax in my hair and feed off my scalp at night. Feast on my kids to the point they have welps and marks all over there body. I have taken these critters to work and the kids have taken them to school. I reside in a empty apt and live out of bags. I found two in my truck. My back is so marked up, it hurts to bend down. The itching is unbareable.
People tell me I can’t sue and any unpaid rent will go on my credit. I am so distraut. I try to keep my head up but now I am in the crying stage. This experience is extremely emotional and do not wish this on anyone. I have thrown everything away. Me and kids sleep on a air mattress and eat on the floor. Yes the bedbugs were hidden under the kitchen table. I am at the point where I know there going to come tonight but Im so tired, worn out and sleepy that I just fall asleep and awake to severe itching. I have no where to go. I can’t live in a shelter because my kids would have to leave there school because there is no shelter in the school district.
I honestly believe the bedbugs came from the apt below but the landlord doesn’t care. I am getting a headache just writing this.
If anyone out there knows something I can do….I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank-you in Advance.
I have been dealing with bedbugs for three months now, so believe you me to everyone out there i know what its like not being able to sleep,just this morning when i woke up there were two huge bedbugs on my pillow and i haven’t slept in weeks. I have three girls ages one, three and eleven, and they all have been bitten i have taken them to the clinic,and the doctor gave me some cream,but it dosen’t work.
I’m so sick and tired of them i wish i could get some dynamite and blow the place up.(lol) so like i was saying i went to court today cuz even though my landlord sent and exterminator three different times those little devils are still here, like i was saying they just wont go away, about the court issue, my landlord blames the bug problem on me. since i have used mattresses (which i didnt know at the time ) anyway since i dont have the money for new ones i am forced to sleep on them anyway with a plastic bag covering the mattress.
I went to see a mediator and agreed to move out in two and a half months enough time to hopefully save some money, i didnt know what else to do since i dont know much about the law and bedbugs, now i wish i should have seen the judge, all i know is i just want to get out of here so anyone out there with some advice on what to do or if i can get a lawyer let me know!
My encounter with bed bugs has been an insane one to say the least. I have been in my apartment complex for about five months now and have NEVER in my twenty plus years of living had an issue with them before moving in. After about five months, my boyfriend and I started to have mysterious bites along our elbows.
A little research and come to find out, they were bed bug bites. On our quest to trap one to examine it, we were unlucky in our search, seeing as our primary target was the mattress that we slept on. One day, my boyfriend decided to look up at the ceiling, and there were THREE bed bugs along the picture frame above the bed. Pulling the picture frame down, there were a few more hiding behind it. Catching a couple, we showed my landlord.
Thankfully he’s been very cooperative with paying an exterminator to come through and spray the apartment. This might have something to do with me being one of the only tenants who pays their rent ON TIME and in FULL every month. However, after two sprays varied at one a week, I found a bite on my back as well as an adult female bug in the shower. We have one more visit in two weeks, though it seems as though the sprays aren’t helping.
This makes me believe that they are coming from somewhere else in the complex. Maybe crawling along pipes or from other rooms. I am at a total loss as to what to do. I don’t know what the landlord will cover after the first visit, and he said he apparently has had no other complains in the apartment complex.
Has anyone else had something like this happen? I am really lost. It’s really hard having to live out of garbage bags, and coming home to something that looks like I’m constantly about to move out of. I really miss feeling like I have a place to live. Any advice would be appreciated.
Hi Lisa,
Send me the pictures! I’ll get them posted and make sure they are up for all to see. Send them to
i bought a couch set from a used furniture store i had it in my home less than 48 hours i am now bit to stuff omg i saw them crawling all over it while i was sitting there feeding my 2 mo old!!i immediately dragged the couch out of my house and called the furniture store at 10 pm at nite demanding a refund the guy was insensitive and repeatedly said i dont need this hassle-i responded u dont even know wut hassle is! he tried insinuating the bugs came from my house lol i said ok buddy i got pics of the bugs on the couch dead bugs i pulled off it and pics of bites covering my body-i also took pics of my existing furniture-nooks and crannies .
Are there any attorneys in Louisville, Ky that handle bed bug lawsuits against hotels?
A nightmare folks. Get the FOOD GRADE DIATOMACEOUS EARTH and spread it on every floor in the place, a light coating is all you need, make sure it get in all the floors cracks, use a broom to brush it in. Also use a the proper mask as the the dust is not too good for lungs when applying, MAKE SURE you get the food grade kind. The other kind is toxic and used for swimming pool filters. You can even eat the the food grade type.
Hello Bedbug Warfare,
The manager is wrong! Bed bugs can and do infest adjoining apartments by way of electrical outlets, plumbing, etc. They usually do this where there is a vacancy for a period of time and the bed bugs need to find another source of food.
Living in Los Angeles here. I recently found bedbugs after noticing various red marks on me. I inspected the mattress and found one adult, 5-6 nymphs and 2 locations of eggs. I trapped most of them and killed a couple, and sprayed things down with a spray I had on hand at the time. I called the property manager because I heard that it’s best to report the problem right away.
The first thing they told me was the usual “we don’t take responsibility for them” line, and repeated it a few times in the same phone conversation, which infuriated me because I was not concerned with how they got in but how I would be getting them out. I understand they are approaching it from a legal standpoint, but I was not calling them to get into a finger pointing match. Then my manager let it slip that the person directly below my apartment reported bedbugs a week or two ago, and that they sprayed his apartment but it didn’t solve it for him either.
They didn’t get back to me for a few days (they didn’t seem to take the issue very seriously for waiting so long, in my opinion), while in the meantime I sprayed down the mattress with some sprays I bought at the store that were supposedly helpful against bedbugs, encased the mattress, vacuumed everyday, washed and dried all my clothes and sealed them in plastic bags, sprayed around my bed before I even dared to attempt to sleep, etc.
I finally spoke with the manager again and once again he said that they don’t take responsibility for them, but will make an exception and cover the cost of fumigating my apartment. He also tried to tell me that bedbugs do not move from apartment unit to apartment unit on their own without somebody bringing them into the unit, implying that it was entirely my fault and the bugs could not have moved from the apartment downstairs to my apartment without me going down to that apartment and bringing them back, which is BS because I have never even met the person and have never been in that apartment. This infuriated me, especially after non-stop research on how they can infest apartment complexes by seeking out people within the general radius.
The lack of sleep and stress from this experience has begun to take its toll on my mood toward the Property Manager, especially as he lies directly to my face and expects me to take his word for it, apparently. Bottom line is that it seems impossible to know how they got into my apartment; if I brought them in somehow or if they came up from the apartment below me, so arguing over such a thing seems completely trivial and a waste of time.
I too have just moved into a new apartment in Elyria. I was told that the apartment had no bugs in it, but the first night i was bitten on the back and legs. This apartment is a LMHA a government housing apartment. I feel like everyone in the building needs to get together and sue LMHA for the problem. I did not move in with these bugs and dont want to live with them. LMHA makes you think that it was you who had the bugs. Something really needs to be done about this problem. I need a good lawyer.
i have been living here in this nasty apartment for about 121/2 years i do know that me and my two kids are not comfortable living here anymore! bedbugs isn’t just the problem, we also have bad mice and feces all around the whole apartment i have talked to the manger they had one of their past control men spray but that didn’t work. its sad when you pay rent and don’t get any respect from your manger i just don’t think they care but i am about to call the health department today because i just had enough of this!
What’s really upsetting is that dc housing isn’t doing anything about it or i wounder if they can pay for my kids mattress my couch that’s about to go away in a few days i really need some one to help me get rid of the problem please please help me and my two kids get up out of here thank you!
I recently moved out of a very nice place due to neighbors music never stopping. I never once had issues with bedbugs until I moved in this place in reading, pa where I am now. Yea it may not be the greatest but I never thought I would deal with bedbugs!
I moved in only to see a big one crawling on the floor I killed it and then inspected the bed I found a small one on there. Threw back the sheets and stuff found nothing. Next day saw another one. Said something to the landlord he sent the bug man out 400 bucks to do my small apt with no warranty.
I’m hoping it was caught quickly and does not get out of hand I really don’t want to live with this stuff but I can say the landlord is being very nice about it all and not giving me anything. I never once blamed him for them or me. There were mattress outside and you could see evidence they were on them so I just pushed that he get rid of them b4 they really got in the apt. I do not know if any other tenant has them but I wish now I never moved and dealt with the music in the other place rather than bed bugs!
Dear AGF – “The funny thing is that the ones who complain the most about injustice are the same ones who would be first to be unjust if ever afforded the opportunity to be?”… This is the most unreasonable accusation I’ve ever heard! And stop wining about taxes and expense related to the landlord responsibilities! it is your responsibility to keep your premises safe for the tenants who pay you!
I’ve been in the apartment since 3/1/10 and it’s been nightmare since day one! first i thought i had allergies…. rush…. went to a dermatologist… took pills….applied all types of creams on the skin…. then it was suggested that i had bed bugs…. i reported to landlord…. through away my furniture… bought special mattress and box spring covers… got rid of curtains and bagged all my belongings into garbage bags.
The landlord called exterminators; the exterminators executed 3 time treatment in MY apartment and left me with $175 responsibility if i found bed bug again…. did you hear it? they treated MY apartment only and i would have to pay for any additional treatment! what do you think happened? i got bugs again because they kept coming from another apartment. and when i notified the management about it they told me that nobody would be available for 2 weeks! 2 weeks! do you have any idea how bad it can get in 2 weeks? should I sue them? i sure threatened them and they IMMEDIATELY inspected the apartment downstairs and detected the source of the bugs. apparently, i WHO COMPLAINED THE MOST was not the one who brought bugs in the apartment.
Now the management is waiting when the tenants of that apartment signs the agreement for the treatment….
I already lost my furniture and spent lot of money money because of this infested apartment, in addition to monthly rent…
and still waiting for the other tenant to sign the agreement!
If the management does not take better action to resolve the issue, you bet i will go ahead and sue them.
I just found bed bugs in my apt on Friday MY BIRTHDAY! Happy Birthday to me. i have 6 kids 4 bedrooms, Living room and basement. I agree with him suing. I called my landlord and the nerve of him to act like i brought these in!
Per my neighbors they have been getting bit for month. One ripped out carpets the other threw away ALL his furniture and is sleeping on air mattresses. I’m SMACK right in between them both so where do the bugs decide to go? MY APARTMENT.
These critters were in my box springs, baby playpen, shoe boxes, shoe racks and books and papers. This has been and overwhelming , depressing situation for me. I have cried, mad , depressed and every emotion you can think of. I don’t sleep, constantly looking on my couch and all the kids mattresses.
I sleep upstairs in the 2 youngest room and my husband in the living room. I cry of frustration, living out of plastic bags in the basement, toys packed and my 2 yrs old keep asking for her toys and my 8 month wants to crawl and i don’t allow her too. We wash our clothes as we use them so if there are any infestation we don’t carry them with us.
This is embarrassing to my oldest that had friends come over to help pack everything. Although the exterminator came and will be back in 25-30 days, I remain a prisoner in my own home. Work in my sanity and school and daycare is the get away. WHO LIVES LIKE THAT!? My landlord states “I know i had bed bug problems years ago but i bomb the place and had nothing since” UMM doesn’t that sound like a cover up? He knew his property was infested and still let renters rent.
I have only been there since 3/1/10 and i’,m ready to move. The landlord went as far as to tell the neighbors i’m not the cleanest person in the world, blaming me for the infestation, but he also told me the same thing about her. COVER UP? I think so!
All in all i am an emotional wreck and agree that suing is the way to go, but ONLY if the landlord is as backstabbing, sneaking and slumlord like mine.
Anyone would like to represent me in my case?
Okay, your are correct in part but if the landlord has an overall attitude like you do and lets the place become run down, then who is to blame? You’re in this to make a buck and with that comes responsibility, part of which is to BE HONEST and let applicants know about the previous infestation but something tells me you would not do that, would you AGF? No, rather you would like it if everyone moved in, did all the repairs, paid to get rid of bed bugs from the previous renter and never complained.
If I moved into your place, and you didn’t tell me about the infestation, and I ended up with scar tissue and had to toss my belongings, then rest assured that I would see you in court for negligence!
Some of you are completely unreasonable and some live in a dirty environment and have no personal responsibility for anything! Most landlords are not rich, they have mortgages, taxes, etc to pay. It is the tenants that make run down the units, not the landlord.
How many low-life tenants do not pay rent and come up with any excuse to sue for bed bugs? Then you have to wait six months while you get no rent to evict them. That is lost money, and lost effort and I can’t tell you how much stress.
Bedbugs are a universal problem, it is simply impossible for the average landlord to pay to have them removed time and time again in multiple units. The funny thing is that the ones who complain the most about injustice are the same ones who would be first to be unjust if ever afforded the opportunity to be.
You don’t like it no one is stopping you from buying huh? When you own something you are responsible yourself, I know you could not deal with it.
Kelly had asked about bed bugs i read her comment. limited funds? me 2… there is a dust that’s completely natural & safe diatom dust… i found a bed bug walking. i tore open a used mattress that i stored in my attic right near the seam 5 dead bed bug! b 4 i did this i tore open a nice bed… steam will kill them get the shark steam cleaner for 35.00 and diatom dust for 15.95. i found these pests in my mattress, folded it in half and threw it out my bedroom window “) not an easy task…
i had bedbugs but good thing my landlord took care of it. hopefully they dont come back. I guess our roommates are at blame.
Everyone has the problem and descibes their own way.. I moved in to apartment today – and learnt this issue from the neighbours and feel like i am cheated.
How do we solve this Issue? Enuf problems – Lets focus on the solutions.
i noticed the bites on myself and my son and thought it was mosquitos. but then i could see them under my skin. it is driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have itched myself bloody. i scratch all over just from thinking about it. i am going thru this RIGHT NOW. the only thing i can think of is we have not had the exterminator for over 6 months here at the apartment despite my ongoing calls to the apt mgr. i dont know what to do. i read all the remedies but I have limited funds and don’t own my own washer dryer to wash them away and this furniture is all i have. HELP, do i bomb the place? I cant seem to find out where the hell they came from. they just appeared about 5 days ago. i cant sleep and i am afraid to wear any clothes and touch any blankets. i wont even sit on my couch much less my bed because they are making me crazy help what do i do> who do i call ???
Did the guy win his case? Anyone know?
I’ve worked in hotels for years and have some constructive information to add.
1. Bed bugs travel in clothes and on people. Cleanliness doesn’t have much to do with getting bed bugs. They are picked up somewhere that already has them. A hotel, a friends apartment, luggage on an airplane, anywhere you could contact them -they feed on fresh blood not on trash.
2. If you are bitten by one there are more. If you take a known clean environment and a bed bug arrives it is generally at least 1 month before anyone notices a bite (or reports it-face it we all get mosquito bites now and then and one or two bites wont alarm you.) When someone discovers they are infested odds are they were not negligent in letting the situation get that bad. There could be hundreds before you even know you have them.
3. Mainly to landlords- if controlled they are easily containable but you must act fast.
3a. To give you an example of how it should and is handled in industries that are forced to deal with them: A traveler checks into a hotel and leaves a bed bug behind (more than 300 people stay in a hotel room over a year-if there are no bites and suddenly someone is bitten, yes it was brought in-just because you are bitten doesn’t mean a place is infested).
b. Traveler leaves and no one knows the better. About a month later someone reports funny bites after sleeping there.
c. Immediately that room/apartment/whatever, must be vacated along with any above, below, across the hall, and side by side.
d. All rooms must be checked. If there are no signs in previously mentioned areas around the infestation hasn’t spread. All of those spaces must still be treated. If you find them in the room next store you must do step c again and again until you find occupied places without evidence.
e. After treatment the area should be kept vacant for a minimum of 7 days-depending how bad it is. After 7 days the exterminator should check each area again.
f. If all is clear then you should be fine. In the case of a hotel 300 more people stay there and never report a problem. If not, rinse and repeat and maybe extend your “quarantined” area.
4. Also to landlords: Yes it is a massively expensive problem. In the case of a hotel in a city area a handful of freshly brought in bed bugs is thousands of dollars in lost revenue + the expenses.
a. Yes it is your responsibility.
b. No you cannot blame your tenant. If they are even the ones that brought them in odds are there is no way they could have prevented it. They are not roaches, they are not drawn by food or dirt. They hitch a ride invisibly.
**c**. If you do not act immediately or give your tenants a hard time a lawsuit is the least of your worries. If the health department gets a report that you are not attempting to fix the problem in the correct fashion they can and will shut your entire property down until it is dealt with.
5. If you have a bed bug infestation unless you take extreme measures to decontaminate yourself going house to house to stay with your friends is a terrible idea.
a. If you are displaced from bed bugs, do not take your things into someone else home. Your best bet: Buy new clothes. Leave them packaged. Go to a pool, take a swim and a shower. Unpack your new clothes. Go to your friends house. This sounds extreme, but a nymph so small it can barely be seen by the naked eye in the bottom of your pocket, in your bag, in your purse, in your wallet, etc, etc, etc will lead to your loved ones enduring the same problems you are.
Myself, my boyfriend and two other roommates just moved into an apartment in the middle of May. We have never known anyone to have bed bugs, we have no used furniture, and we have not traveled at all or slept over at anyone’s house. A month and a half ago, I noticed what I thought was a rash starting at my head, going down my neck and shoulder and ending half-way down my arm. I didn’t know what it was from, and didn’t think too much of it.
3 weeks ago, I noticed a huge lump in my neck, and then quickly developed one behind my ear, one at the bottom of my head, and 3 at the top of my head. I couldn’t get an early enough doctor’s appointment, so I went to a Wellstar Urgent Care, who told me they had no idea what it could be and sent me to the emergency room. After spending 6 hours there, going through bloodwork, a CT scan, and numerous tests, they told me they had no idea what was wrong with me and sent me home, telling me to monitor them.
About 2 1/2 to 3 weeks ago, we found out that we have bed bugs. We noticed a bug and looked it up online, and sure enough, that’s exactly what it was. We immediately went back into our room and searched, and within 10 minutes we found at least 20 bugs. Most of them were enormous! The ones we saw were anywhere between the size of a flea to the size of a ladybug. This was during the DAY. Considering they are nocturnal and hide during day light hours, we immediately knew that we were dealing with a huge infestation.
After looking up more about bed bugs and seeing pictures of the smears and marks they leave on the mattress, I realized that I had seen them on the mattress about 2 weeks before, but I never thought anything of it. That day, we took all of the sheets off of the bed and started to wash them in hot water. When we tried to wash our comforter, our washer overflowed, so we had to go to a laundromat to wash everything. We vacuumed the mattress, box spring, and carpet several times that day.
The start of all this, and the time I first noticed the marks on the mattress, is around the same time that we had neighbors move in below us. My roommates’ bedroom is on the other side of the apartment, and they still have no bugs in their room. But our bedroom has no neighbors adjacent, so they must be coming from below. We confronted our leasing office manager immediately and they said that they had not received any other reports of bed bugs. They set up for an exterminator to come, but not until 5 days later.
That day, we started finding other places to sleep, and have not slept in our apartment since. We did not want to sleep on the couch, because this would infringe upon our roommates and they would have to stay quiet and confined to their room, and we didn’t want to inconvenience them for a problem that wasn’t theirs. I also was not sure if the bugs could be the cause of the lumps I have in my head and neck. Two days before the exterminator was supposed to come, I called the leasing office and asked if they could have them out any sooner, and I was told that they would call me back if they could get in touch with the exterminator. 2-3 hours later, I got a call from our roommates saying that the exterminator had just been by.
Neither me or my boyfriend had gotten a call from the office saying that they responded, so neither of us were there to talk to the exterminator. The exterminator left without spraying, saying that she saw the signs and it definitely looked like bed bugs were present, but because she did not see an actual bug, she didn’t spray. This made us enraged! One of the leasing agents called us and told us that we should try to catch a bed bug to show an exterminator so they would spray, which we did. We went to the office the next day and spoke to the leasing office manager, who had been on vacation the whole time. She was unaware of the problem, and called the exterminator. She told us to throw away our mattress, and when faced with that, we asked if we would be reimbursed for a new one, and she said no. After we asked her to be reimbursed, she quickly changed her story and started saying “Well, hopefully we can find away around you having to throw it away, maybe it can be treated,” etc. so we did not trash it. We called the regional manager and left messages, but never got a call back.
The exterminator came the next day, and the leasing office manager came with him. He treated the two bedrooms- ours, which was infested, and our roommates, who had no bugs. He did not treat any other rooms. We showed the exterminator the bug we caught, which was a baby. When he saw it, he said that since it was a baby, we shouldn’t have too bad of an infestation. When we told him that we had seen ones much bigger, he said that since they were in all the different stages of life, and on the walls instead of hiding, we definitely had a severe infestation. He told us that we did need to get rid of our mattress immediately, so we threw it way (we defaced it first so that no one would take it, and looked every day until the dumpster was emptied to make sure no one had taken it out), and the manager said that they were going to reimburse us for a new one.
The exterminator said that he would be back in two weeks. For the first week, we could/should sleep outside our room. For the second week, we should sleep in there to watch their activity and see how many were left. The first night we were supposed to stay in our room, we walked in to look around, and within the first 5 minutes found about 10 bugs on the walls!
After searching more, we found several more bugs. While my boyfriend was taking a shower, he saw one on the wall in the bathroom, and I found one on the wall in the living room. Our roommates still have no signs of bed bugs in their room. We were immediately killing them, and the smears from that are still on the walls. After that, we decided it would be a good idea to try to catch them instead of killing them, and started sticking them to pieces of tape when we found them. Since they are fond of the poster we have on the wall (they are always climbing on it and behind it) we taped pieces of paper to the wall so we could catch them and kill them. We did not stay there, and still refuse to. No one should be expected to sleep in a room like that! My boyfriend and I have both been staying where ever we can- with our parents and our friends, anywhere there is an empty couch and sometimes on the floor somewhere. The day after we were supposed to start sleeping in our room again, we went back to the leasing office to tell them that the bugs had only gotten worse, and even spread to new rooms, and to have the exterminator come back sooner. He came today and sprayed again, telling us the same thing as he did before.
We are worried about what is going to happen. So far, the management has been fairly helpful and considerate. But we don’t know where to go from here. Obviously it’s going to take a long time for us to get rid of these bugs. Since we haven’t been able to stay there for 2 weeks, our costs are starting to add up. The laundromat is very expensive ($3.75 just to wash a load, and $0.25 for every 7 minutes of drying) and we spent $20 in the first day washing everything that had come in contact with the floor or the bed. We didn’t want to take those clothes anywhere else in fear of taking bugs to someone else’s house.
Our backs are hurting from sleeping on floors and couches, and the loss of sleep is starting to take a toll on my work and my grades. Being displaced, I am going to go to the office tomorrow and tell them that I’m not willing to pay rent for an apartment I can’t go to, and that I also want them to pay for a hotel room for my boyfriend and I. I at least expect them to take half off of the rent, since my roommates are not displaced and can still stay there. They could argue that we could be sleeping in the living room, but now that we’ve seen on in there it isn’t safe. Plus, I can’t be in that apartment for very long because of the lumps I’ve gotten as a reaction to being bitten. These lumps are extremely painful. Aside from them, I have actual bites that are very itchy.
I am not currently too angry with the management. So far, they have down everything we could. They’ve called the exterminator every time that we’ve confronted them about the situation getting worse. They agreed to pay for a new mattress (I forgot to get that statement in writing though). But I have a few more things I want them to do for us, and I will become angry if they’re not done, and I am planning on speaking with an attorney to confirm our rights as tenants and see if we can be guaranteed anything. I am not the type of person to bite the hand that feeds, but as a customer I feel like I deserve more and I believe they are going to refuse the rest of the things we ask of them.
People have given me advice that I should have them give us a new apartment, or let us break our lease with no fees and give us our deposits back. But I don’t think this would solve anything- the bugs have been in our room for so long now that I’m sure they’re in all of our belongings. If you do your research, you’ll see that bed bugs can hide anywhere. They hide in alarm clocks, lap tops, and all other sorts of appliances. They can hide in a crack of your dresser or shelves. There is no guarantee where they are hiding, so nothing we have can be absolutely safe. I’m convinced that the lumps in my head and neck are from these bugs. They have gotten smaller and less painful since I left my apartment. I have an appointment with my family doctor tomorrow to get them further examined, since the doctors in the emergency room could not tell what they were from. If this problem goes on for any longer, I am going to demand that:
1. We don’t owe rent for every day that we have to deal with this problem
2. They pay for another place for my boyfriend and I to stay
3. They replace everything that we have to dispose of
4. Pay my medical costs
5. They pay for all of the additional costs we incur because of a change in lifestyle
If it comes to the point of them asking us to leave, I will ask even more of them.
Does anyone have any more advice?
I bought a new boxspring mattress for my daughter from a company in fort worth, TX well I thought it was new. And my started getting bitten up. I thought it was mosquito bits. Well a couple of months went by and I went into her room about 3 a.m. and I noticed that there was a brown bug on her pillow.
I turned on the light and told her to get up and when I pulled back her covers there were more tiny bugs around her I freaked out. I killed the ones I saw and moved the top mattress and saw more tiny bugs in the corner of her boxspring mattress. I was upset I didn’t know what those were. So I got on the internet and started researching and found out it was bed bugs.
She had black marks all over the boxspring mattress. I told my daughter to change her clothes and go lay with her sisters. The same day I had my boyfriend left the bottom mattress up and i thought I was going to throw up. There was so many bugs it was nasty. We threw it out side and then went to check my bed since we got it from the same store this year. Well come to find out we had it too just not that bad.
I was wondering why I had all these bites on my back as well. We threw the mattress and the boxspring out as well. We took them back to the furniture store and showed him he didn’t know what to say but sorry. So he came and sprayed the house and bought us new mattress.
Well a week later I saw them again in my daughters room so we told the furniture company and he had his pest control people come out and spray the house. I just took and cleaned all the bedding in the house. I actually threw my comforter and my daughters comforter away and bought more. I did care how much it was I will not let anything like that bite my kid again.
I have taken the beds apart in every room and vacuumed the whole house floors, cracks and all. I want to see if they come back. If they do I will tell the furniture man to bring the pest control people out until they are gone. I never had anything like that in my life.
I can’t even sleep at night any more. I am constantly looking under my sheets and my kids bed at night. I keep a flash light beside me all night. I always fell like something is crawling on me. I can’t believe some one would sell you used mattress or remade at that. This has been quit a nasty experience for me. I feel like we will never get rid of them. If he can’t get rid of these pests I will sue.
Well to all you landlords.. i live in an apartment in troy mi and they had to treat our building for bed bugs..due to people above us. They drilled holes into our walls and said that the beg beds would be dead and not to worry. well since they drilled the holes i have been getting bitten really bad. so we called the bug guy and he said we did not have bed bugs..
That was a month or 2 since my bites are getting worse my b/f pulled back our mattress and there they were. My point is it isn’t some tenants faults. This apartment complex knew who had them so they will know we didn’t bring these bastards in..and THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS!
The bug guy did not check good when he was here a few months ago and its not our fault they hired a laZY unprofessional! Its so bad i don’t even want to live here anymore afraid they will just come back.. we have to get rid of our bed and couches which is expensive and we honestly cant afford all this right now to begin with so compensation would be the right thing to do for us and were going to talk to them about it.
We took pictures of my bites and our bed ..if they do not compensate us then we will fight.. not to mention we have a 4 1/2 month daughter and thank god she isn’t getting ate up and we think its because they didn’t drill in her room (wouldn’t let them..her room is way too pretty :) ) but that would have been a whole different thing if my baby was getting bitten by bed bugs!!! so i think landlords and tenants should take responsibility if they did it!
Here are the pictures (click on them to see large image):

Good luck suing a tenant Mr. Landlord! You CAN’T PROVE which tenant was ground zero.. PERIOD.
Every person reacts to bed bug bites differently. A neighbor could have gotten them and had no reaction to the bites, therefor not knowing they had them. The bugs could of then moved to the neighbor’s apartment and infested there. If that neighbor is hyperactive to the bites then they would react to it in an extreme way. You can not sue your tenants for that. One there is no proof… Two it is legally the landlords responsibility to maintain his property, not the tenants. The tenants can help. However, they are not the ones who get sued if the problem becomes a large issue. It is you.
If you knew anything about the law at all then you would know this.
I have been fighting our bed bug infestation since we moved into our home in January. We went from a full blown infestation, seeing dozens of nymphs and adult bed bugs come out at night, to hardly seeing any of them at all. At first we tried fogging them, spraying them, washing every piece of laundry we own. NOTHING WORKED. Then we did some research and found DIATOMACEOUS EARTH. We sprinkled it all around the house and it’s WORKING! We see dead bugs everywhere and I actually feel confident that very soon I will never see another of those blood sucking bastards again!
Good luck everybody! :)
There are renters who lie to the landlord about bed bug infestations because they are too embarrassed to say anything until the infestation gets out of hand and spreads to the other apartments.
If these renters had common sense, they would report the infestation in the beginning so it could be properly treated
So if my neighbors had a bedbug infestation and it spread to my apartment, I would sue him and make him pay for all the expenses because he started the problem
we moved into our apt. in bensalem pa, feb 2010. a month later I started getting bit up real bad at night . there was no signs of bed bugs like on the mattresses or anything . Me and my boyfriend called the office and told them we have bed bugs and we also have a set of twins who live here. they sent out a exterminator the next day everything had to be in bags and all cloth had to be washed.
The treatment for the bed bugs was a 3 step treatment. We didn’t live in our apt. for 2 and a half weeks while this process was going on. come to find out that the people below us have bed bugs real bad. from what the exterminator said they have it so bad that there is blood from them all over their walls.
It’s been a little over a week since the last treatment and I’m starting to get bit again and so is my one daughter. Apparently when there is bedbugs the whole building is suppose to get treated because they will just run to the next apt. Well the down stairs people wont’ get treated so I believe this is going to be a never ending process until we move out next income tax season. this is just bad!
Oh guys… I understand. We have had this problem for last couple weeks. I have an idea… Let’s catch couple bed bugs and put them in land lords’ cars or offices… I am so close to do it.
BTW the city government buildings in El Cajon habe been infested, call the city code compliance office and the secretary will tell you; that’s how I found out. El cajon is having an epidemic of them right now and the code compliance officer I spoke to informed me quite matter of factly that you get bedbugs from being dirty and having pets.
I corrected him and he got all huffy with me but the point is government officials are ignorant of the matter so don’t expect a lot of help. It’s an epidemic that no one person is to blame for. You can get them from the chair in your doctor’s waiting room, the chair in the wic office, the chair at school or work that others have sat in, even from the bus or the restaurant so don’t let anyone tell you you’re dirty if you have them.
It’s an epidemic and the landlord has the responsibility to treat against it and contain it, not point fingers at individuals for where they may have been in public and accidentally brought one home. In an epidemic, those responsible fore containment contain, they don’t point finger s and stick their heads in the sand to avoid having to come out of pocket . When you buy a building, you don’t buy a money machine/free unlimited supply ATM, you buy a responsibility that is not 100% profit; some of the rent has to go back in to maintenance and repair, but first and foremost:
* When you bought that building you bought a responsibility!! guess what else you bought? a risk!! yeah that’s right when you bought the building you understood you were going to be responsible for complying with the law and maintaining health and safety. when you take a risk it’s for better or worse and when the rents come in it’s better but when there’s a problem it’s worse and you don’t get to skip the worse part. it’s people like you who can’t keep marriages together and are ruining our society and our kids because you only want fair weather responsibility!! suck it up and do what you’re obligated to do and quit looking for excuses to sit and watch the problem get worse while not spending any money on it. it’s you landlords; fault that the problem is spreading because if you took care of it immediately like you should people wouldn’t be carrying them around and infesting public places where others pick them up and bring them back home to their apartments unknowingly. that’s how all of this is spreading.
all due to landlord apathy!
Beware of the Holiday apartments on 110 w renette ave, el cajon, california. They are infested because an older black lady wh collects cans and dumpster dives (I won’t say her name cus I might get sued) in an upstairs apartment has been infested with them forever. They traveled through the building and are now in most apartments.
The landlords are irresponsible and try to blame each tenant individually but the manager knows who started it because he got a lamp from said lady and it had bedbugs in it so he threw it away and that was before others started complaining. She is a nasty, dirty, smelly old lady and I personally witnessed her leave huge loads of laundry sitting in the laundry for hours or even days before she would come back and wash it, and the laundry was seen to have bed bugs crawling literally all over it.
The big black guy who is half owner yells and calls names to try to intimidate people so that they get scared and stop complaining of the problem. Let me tell you something landlord on this forum (kim?) the first person who complains is NOT ground zero. They are just the first person who complains. I know one tenant in that building who is old and on sec 8 and she flat out told me she won’t complain because the big beefy young black landlord scares the crap out of her and she’s too old to move, doesn’t know how she’d do it. So she’d rather sit and suffer in silence.
You can not prove that the first person who speaks out about it is the first person to notice them or even the first person who brought them in. Some people are just nasty and will live with them because they don’t care, and some are too timid to say anything. BTW the older lady who is scared to speak is also black so though I have a bad opinion of the tenant who brought them I am not racist as this scared black lady I speak of is a dear friend.
Don’t rent a Holiday apt on w renette in el cajon the landlords have known of this bedbug infestation for more than a year now and purposely done nothing because they know all they have to do is blame each tenant who complains and the tenant will get confused because most don’t understand the law. You can withhold rent in CA to to correct situations that should be corrected by the landlord under implied habitability but aren’t.
Withhold rent, people, it’s the only way to get their attention because they don’t care about being decent human beings, they want us to shut up go away but hand them the rent check first. Then shut up and go away til next month’s rent is due. Stop putting up with it!!!
Hi I am traumatized by bedbugs, they travel from my son great grandmother house through his baby bag. I never even heard of these blood sucker until they bit my 3 year old daughter over 50 times. My daughter still has the scars and as a mother you feel helpless.
I was also bitten but not to the extreme of my daughter. I educate myself and other on this epidemic. I honestly feel that once you come across a bed bug or you are forced to deal with them you are never!!!!!!! goin to be the same. They travel with you on your clothes , they can survivie with on a bite for months.
I just tell people to take extra caution when geting anything that is used. when you have small children who can not speak for them self look for the signs dont be in denial like I was investigate .
Well I wish you the best of luck with dealing with the blood suckers!!!!!!
According to News, Los Angeles, America is having a bed bug epidemic. The government is ignoring the problem probably since it doesn’t cause illness. Seems that when the government reduced the amount of DDT in chemical preparations and with the heavy immigration and tourism, we were left open for attack by bedbugs. I suggest that we all report our stories to the media — local newspapers and TV shows. We have to bring attention to this problem to get federal authorities to launch efforts toward eradication on a national scale. The Environmental Health Depts. are aware of the problem but do not have funds to fight the problem or to even send investigators out to report. As far as I know, the best way to eradicate bed bugs is with a heat treatment with heat at 115 degrees or better. This is only a temporary measure. If I think of anything else, I’ll post.
Good luck with your efforts to eradicate.
As a tennant I just wanted to say there are good landlords. The neighbour underneath me got bedbugs, about a year ago, and while I don’t believe it was anyone’s fault, she did bring the bedbugs into the house by bring in used clothing. She was very up front about it and warned us all (it’s a small building). The exterminator came and did all the ajoining apartments, they also did a follow up at the 6 month mark.
Now I have gotten bedbugs as well, I was warned they could come up through the walls etc., the bites affect me quite badly, and I’ve got itchly painful welts on my arms and ankle. I haven’t seen any of the bugs in the house, and I haven’t even been bitten that many times and this is incrediably upsetting.
I called my landlord and he advised me that he would be calling the exterminator back in asap to re-do my apartment, as well as to do the apartments that ajoin mine. I don’t think anyone wants to spread bedbugs but I honestly have to wonder about some people who keep moving when they have them. The bugs spread so easily, make sure you’re not taking bedbugs w/ you, or sharing them with others.
I have the same bed bug problem. I had them through away my couch and bed. My dad is the landlord. I called him and had the pest control company come out 5 times to spray everything. they told me to exactly do as they instructed.
I’ve seen them crawling all over before but I haven’t seen one since yet. been up trying to catch these damn things in the act but i haven’t found one. I have scars on my arms and one leg from bed bug bites. I don’t know if they’ll ever go away.
I’m afraid to bring any one o my home now. I’m loosing a lot of sleep cause when i wake up i might see something on my arm and freak out. My father says that if I see one call me and he’ll have them come out and spray.
I’m going Nuts over this and i don’t know what to do about my arms if any buddy can suggest. but i get that crawling feeling on me but i don’t see them. One Night I was siting at my computer chair and felt something bite me! Sure did but i didn’t see anything except a small mark. red not a welt like they leave me. I cant concentrate on my job due to loss of sleep. I’m so upset and angry about the scars on my hand!
Somebody please tell me what to do. Like blemishes small red. I’m hurt angry and about to give up on life because of these damn things!
Also Forgot to mention above that I have put some glue boards to catch anything around my bed and base boards, so far nothing found except spiders, that’s it!
If a tenant pays the company to spray for a bed bug infestation, which does not work, then moves out, are they required to pay for a second spraying even if they are not living there? I’m at Pepper creek apartments el cajon
Hi I’ve had bed bugs for over 3 months i sprayed and got a new bed and vacuumed the room then washed all cloths know i go in my bed i see like 2 on my sheets and little baby my back is full of bites and welts like i lost my girl friend over this and 400 dollars i live in a apartment building for over 6 years and just we found out we have them what can i dooooooo? help me please
My family and I live in the New st apartments in Plymouth. 5 minutes from Wilkes Barre, Pa. We have always kept our house clean and the neighbors in the same row of apartments keep a clean house too.
The neigbors across the parking lot complained of finding a cockroach looking bug after their next door neighbors moved in………..and For a long time the apartment next to us was empty. Then one day we got new neighbors. Bringing all this junk on this old pickup truck. They have since moved out and all of a sudden we have been trying to figure out just what all these bites we have been getting are? My mother who sleeps downstairs on the couch started getting covered in bites about 3 to 4 months ago… while I never had one single bite that whole time………… i told her its probably from the 12 year old couch she sleeps on every night…………..
We have 2 cats………which sleep both downstairs on that couch and on my bed… night….for a few years now……..since we have thrown out those couches………I started to get bites on my body…………I don’t understand how for 4 months I don’t get bit then once the couch is gone these pests all of a sudden wanna leach onto my cats and join them in my bed…..
I can not wash my blankets and pillows anymore or they will fall apart. We have been cursed with bedbugs and now we are quickly losing our minds. My mother is not the brightest bulb in the box and while I was out one day…… Bombed the one upstairs room while the cats were downstairs……………they started acting strange and licking themselves…………and hurdled together rocking back and forth all confused…… well as her not leaving while setting it off…………all three of them got sick………………………..she almost killed my animals that day . and yet……………….after all of that drama These things are still biting….I just found one crawling on my wall….. We have invested in a steamer. Thrown out our couches. & Bombed the place. We didn’t have much before this all started..but not we really don’t have anything…we don’t even have a place to sit now.
But still are finding these blood sucking things. All the bed bug sprays and bombs have not worked. I have bedbugs dancing on my last nerve. I have found myself relentlessly searching on google for a solution………….every site says the same useless things………………. i have found nothing is working……….i need to Make this stop.
i moved into another place of my landlord , i was in other place 4 years, so he know i had no kind of bugs.
i moved into this place 3 months, the people before had a large dog so thought i was dealing with flee bites. i have 2 very small dogs, found out it was bed bug bites they was very badly bitten. my bed was bad, so i was bitten everywhere, the owner is taking care of problem knowing it was not my fault.
I have to remove and wash all clothing and remove it from the house. i feel the owner needed to check the house better , I’m on section 8 something need to be, done, cause i cant move tell Oct. 2010 unless section 8 lets me break my lease. i don’t know what to do except cry a lot and itch. anyone with info about my problem please help……………
If anyone knows of a lawyer who will take my case of bedbug I need his name or number. Emothional, physical and lost everything I had the landlord was noncompliance didn’t spray or even warn me of my next door neighbors bed bug problem.
Left his mattress sitting out by the dump for two weeks of course the bugs crawled back in under the door to feed. Well I want a lawyer to help me sue.
I have already got just about all the info and files done pictures and all. My son visited he was bitten over 40 times have pics on that too he also had to seek medical treatment. The skin feel off my feet for exposure to the chemicals they sprayed with. I am still under medical care. SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE !
I had to pay $900 dollars for bedbugs and it was a extremely poor attempt at pest control. I moved out six months later, and now I’m told I have to pay for a second spraying, even if I’m not living there. Does this sound legal? I think once the tenant moves out and a decision is made to spray again, the company is liable, not the former tenant!
Hillcrest Apartment – Newbury Park, CA
I moved here 5 days back, and my arms and legs are bitten by bed bugs. Every night I am catching 20-30 bed bugs and crush them.
Looking for attorney to sue them.
Whether it is a tenant or a landlord . Doesn’t matter. I have a bug problem i lived here for three years never have i had to deal with bed bugs before 6 months ago. When i 1st moved in the landlord had a regular exterminator spray. Well he fired the guy. So now what. Even if i break down and get an exterminator, what good would that do if the other 7 tenants in my building don’t spray. NEVER ENDING CYCLE RIGHT!.
Thing is we all have to work together. THIS IS WHY ITS BECOMING AN EPIDEMIC. People always wanna point the finger. Never doing anything about it. Well i can tell you I researched everyday trying to fight this on my own from rubbing alcohol, throwing away a lot of furniture, vacuum, vacuum, vacuum, chemicals, putting everything in a air tight bag washing everything in hot water, and throwing it in the dryer for extra long time.
MY POINT IS I CANNOT DO IT ALONE I DO NEED HELP STILL DO. What makes it so bad is I’m allergic to bed bug saliva. I have lost my job because of all the welts i have from them biting me. I even called the health department only to be told your on your own. So really what choice do you leave anyone? Only thing to do is sue or call a news station or something all dramatic. When you guys could just be civil and work together.
As a landlord I have had my first experience with bed bugs, and it is a nightmare for everyone involved. Obviously the tenants brought them in to the apartment but we are held responsible for exterminating them. It is a very difficult situation when all tenants NEED to do their part to help get rid of them..We have no control over the tenants encasing the mattresses or decluttering or washing/ drying bedding/ clothing furniture..
This has put a tremendous financial burden on us and can’t wait to sell this property. The minute my tenant noticed bugs I was on the phone the same day with the exterminators & within a couple days the place was treated, over and over again. Not all landlords are rich & nasty..
We are just trying to get by too!!
To Tenants Fault,
You are a landlord and your statement clearly shows the problem with you types. You feel that it is the tenants fault but it is really your fault. Its people like you who cause these hardships for so many tenants!
You said “She wants me to pay the $350 extermination fee. Why should I pay to get rid of them if it is obvious she or her boyfriend brought them in” – so while your fighting with your renter who you believe brought the bedbugs in, you are allowing the rest of the tenants to become infected instead of acting fast to get rid of them.
You are making all the money and it’s a risk you take in that business, so do the right thing and pay for the bed bug treatment and worry about getting your money back later.
Don’t be the problem, be a solution to the problem!
Hi my name is Lisa and I’m going through the same problem! it is out of control! and the worst thing about no one wants to help! i tried every thing with the law doing research all the time to find some kind of help??
I had been evicted from there now because of the bed bugs when they were there long long before my husband, 17 month old daughter, 6 month old daughter and myself. We are going crazy now it is the dead of winter with no place to stay with two little babies.
I don’t know where to turn for help we lost everything we couldn’t even have a nice Christmas because of all this stress of the bed bug infested place!
I just feel bad for my lil girls cause they have no clue what is going on!! How can a landlord not even have a heart to see what he is putting us through? I wish it was him carrying your kids out in freezing cold weather at 2am because we can’t take being bit!!!
I wish someone will see this and help us we are such a loving close family and this is tearing us apart. It is very sad..i had to move back in with my parents for right now…hopefully we can get back up on our feet… in my whole life i never imagined this to happen i pray to my lord every day to please help us get through these extremely hard times!
If anyone see’s this that can help us, perhaps a lawyer to help us sue the landlord over this bed bug infested place or any help from any where, please let me know!!! there is so much more that went on with this landlord that it’s unbelievable, I wish i could type it all! I live in pa scranton/wilkes barre area just anyone can help from this area please leave information
“thank you and god bless”, I wish luck to everyone else that are going through hard times, stay strong that’s all you can do.
From what I have read in the previous blogs, you tenants think you’re all angels and landlords are all evil. Well I am a landlord and I see all the STUFF you tenants pull every day, 24/7. You make messes and you demand we clean up your STUFF but when we tell you to take responsibility for your actions, you go ballistic.
Most tenants I have met are mean, deceitful, uncaring, dirty and despicable. Here is an example:
Landlords, fight back. We don’t have to take this STUFF from tenants!
I have the same problem, I have a very bad landlord! I just moved in 1 month ago after, two weeks went by and my daughter started getting bites from bed bugs all over her back, arms, legs and face!
I brought this up to the landlord 15 times at least and 10 of those in person but he just plays along, tell me he is calling an exterminator but does nothing!
I have had to trow out my couch and soon all my property and to top it off, I have to move again and can’t afford it! I’m a single mom going through a divorce and my children and I are suffering! I’ve called the city and complained about bed bugs but so far nothing.
Can I sue for non compliance, pain and suffering? We cant sleep in the dark because we are afraid to turn the lights off this is mentally messing with my kids and I. I live in Louisville KY so if there are any attorneys that could help me, please, my kids are I are tired of this!
I’m having a bed bug problem but funny thing is me and my 19 month son don’t have any bites but my boyfriend is the only one with the welts and bites. i told my landlord and they came to spray but a week later they came back and now that we lost our couch and bed pretty much soon i just don’t know what to do any more we are actually losing everything we have and I’m scared to let my landlord know about them again because i cant afford to move and am afraid they might evict me. I’ve never had any problems with bed bugs until i moved into another suite this summer other people in the building are having same problem do you think it’s wrong of them to evict me even if it was not my problem in the first place?
I moved into a new apartment and two weeks later I go to the hospital and diagnosed with scabies; I ended up spending money on medications, etc. Wrong, 6 weeks I end up going to the hospital and told I had a staff infection, money medications, ect. Wrong 10 weeks, go to health clinic and I was finally diagnosed with bedbugs. Right
Landlord told me that’s why the last tenants moved out, she knew that the house was infested with bedbugs but she took my deposit with a smile and did not do a thing about the bed bugs!
We moved out, lost everything, hired a lawyer, lawsuit was going good until supreme courts opinion in Johnson v. Scandia associates inc. 717n.e.2d(ind 1999) in that case. Our supreme court held that a landlord is not liable to a tenant for personal injuries for breach of the implied warranty of habitability. This conclusion was affirmed by the Indiana court of appeals in the case of Schuman v. Kobets. 760n.e.2d682(ind 2002).
To sum it all up, our hands are tied and we can’t do anything about it! The greedy landlords win every time. I haven’t got my deposit back or any kind of reimbursement. Good luck with you and get a dollar for me!
I want to know of an attorney who will take my case the landlord knew of the bed bug problem and treated the apt. next to me without informing me of anything. I lost heirlooms, all my cloth in my home had to move all the cost associated with that I am disabled and on a low income and now I am in the negative big time and I don’t have anyone to lean on. I am so ticked off at this but cannot seem to find anyone who will help me.
Oh I am giving her heck all the time about the bed bug infestation, it is also a govt. building and I report her on everything I know and find out. I have tons of pictures and documents, was admitted to the hospital, and also have mental stress from this. I want to sue her/company for her non compliance and causing this hardship on me. It has cost me 4000.00 and I am going deeper and deeper in the hole. Someone needs to help us on this it isn’t right for the landlords to get by with non compliance.
Oh I live in Kentucky if anyone will take my case.
Hi there,
Last month i had a issue with bed bugs in my apartment, when i reported it to the building manager he already new about the problem, apparently my apartment was the 3rd one to be infested.
I suffered from numerous bites on my arms and feet, at first i didn’t know what was causing the itchy rash and tried different creams from the doctor, i lost pretty much everything i owned and reported it to the health department.
After living with these bugs eating me at night for a month without any support to help contain the problem by the landlord i had to leave everything i owned and start over in a new apartment. I did everything possible, double sided tape, taped holes in walls around plugs etc, washed everything in hot water which ruined my cloths plus containers and living out of bags, sleeping in the living room on couch with lights on scared to sleep in the dark, very stressed out, and embarresd thinking everyone would think i was dirty if they knew.
For 2 months now i go to the hospital for help to get over this. My body is scared for life, my beef about all this is my landlord refuses to give me back my security deposit and trying to charge me thousands of dollars to clean up the mess they could have avoided, slum lords.
The apartment is still infested and the tenants are steaming about it, i also lost my job of 2 years with a company because i was losing it from lack of sleep and stress, i live in a different apartment now but still have the fear of being eaten while i sleep at night, and i always check the bedroom before i go to bed just in case.
IS THIS RIGHT TO HAVE TO LIVE LIKE THIS? How come the health department does not do something to help the tenants???? shouldn’t the landlords be more responsible to control these situations??? I’m a bit angry about this and am still fighting to get my deposit back 3 months later!
ps landlord told me get rid of them or get out.If I had the money to move believe me I would be gone…I have never in my life felt so scared and defenseless about something…bedbug also has helped. but also they (the babies) walk across the ceiling and drop on everything. That’s how they get around because they do not fly…
believe me everything I have read is true…my landlord told me..its my prob. I must have brought them here. I have been living here for 10 months. a new neighbor moved in a month ago and now I have them..and getting eaten alive…not so much me (i smoke) but my kids, my daughter had 100 welts on her arm one morning. I am trying everything. I got rid of all my sheets curtains pictures. I have the mattress covers on my beds. I did find this stuff called ant & crawling insect killer By safer its like $8 a bottle at the hardware store. did a lot of research. safe for in the house and contains 78% DE (diatomaceous earth) and I spray alcohol up and down my walls…has cut down a lot but this is my second week…still in progress…and we all wipe down with off when going to bed…
IT IS NOT A MATTER OF BEING CLEAN OR DIRTY. Granted I am not a NEAT FREAK, but I am not a dirty person and I have had to deal with them. Another thing, BED BUGS DON’T FEED ON FOOD. They feed on PEOPLES blood. So what the hell does people having some food on tables have to do with BED BUGS. NO wonder your tenants are mad at you, if you’re blaming them.
ANYONE can pick up just ONE bed bug from somewhere, be it a bus, a plane, a dept. store, and then POOF, there is an infestation. Its not their fault. I don’t blame the fact that our apt. blg has a huge problem with bed bugs, on our landlord, at all, its not his fault. But he also doesn’t blame it on his TENANTS! And he does the RIGHT thing and sprays, like the law says he should (even though it just pisses the bed bugs off and they come back with a vengeance)
I am so sick 0of them and I cant afford to move, and it seems that even if when we move, and take every precaution, we end up having to deal with them somewhere else. Its an epidemic of epic proportions. And I wish I had a simple solution for it. But you SHOULD NOT BLAME your TENANTS. Especially when it seems like you’re ignorant as to how/why bed bugs come around in the first place!!
I have had a building for 20 years now; we have bed bugs and find that most tenants have clutter and food on tables, not very clean. I keep my basement clean, I put their garbage in big black bags, i give plenty heat and hot water and I pay every week to have the halls washed. I love my building and now I’m infested with bed bugs! Tenants are mad at me now!
Use DE – Diatomaceous Earth. It works!
We have also dealt with the same problem! The people above us was infested with bed bugs. i mean millions i have never seen anything like it. Well, the news ended up coming out there and interviewing the couple. The Landlord said it was because they where dirty and dumpster divers. So he got away with it with them.
We are not dumpster divers we are very clean, neat, do not have a dozen pets in our apt. So what excuse can he use with us? We told him about it he offered to treat our stuff with SEVEN i said to him do what!!!! seven!! you have lost your mind. So he put us in a different apt. without treating our stuff so the bed bugs went with us.
We started sleeping on the couch because my girlfriend was so scared to sleep in the bed. Well they came to the couch. I found out that bed bugs find you by your breath!!! So we started staying up all night and sleeping during the day. Unfortunately, we had to stop that because it became to much for us.
My girlfriend had to take a short term disability leave from work over this. So when she goes back to work she will most likely loose her job that she has had for many years, with great benefit’s. We have had to get rid of our couch, recliner, dressers, clothes (and I mean expensive clothes like American eagle, A & F, etc).
We have had to wash all of our clothes and we have a lot! Our water bill i bet will have gone up $150.00 dollars and our electricity i can only imagine!! We had to go buy those white zip bags that you can see through on top to put our clothes in. I bet i spent $150.00 dollars alone on just stuff to store our clothes in safely, not to mention the clothes we lost or that shrunk from the hot water and dryer!!!
Everything i feel touching me i think is a bed bug and it’s driving me crazy!! Well we went and got white sheets for the bed, plastic zip covers for our bed because we cant afford to buy a new one rite now because we have spent so much money. And we are still having to spend money every time i turn around we are having to buy something because of these bed bugs.
The sad thing is the landlord knows about these apts. I know for a fact that there are 4 apts. that are infested with them. The landlord is spraying with some kind of spray that just makes them madder. I have done a lot of research on them and you don’t spray any kind of bug spray on them they will come at you 100 times worse.
I have our bed legs in bowls with soapy water so they cant get to us by crawling up the legs, we have pulled the bed away from the wall, white bed sheets, and we wipe our self down with a washcloth before we get in bed. So far so good. The first night i was still scared to death that they could still get to us. I am having nightmares they will probably last for months. I have seen a psychiatrist over this it’s so bad.
I want us to just move but I’m afraid they will go with us to a new place so why bother!!! Are landlord is a slum lord from h#@ll. I feel he should have to pay for everything we lost, all the time we have put into this, all the emotional stress we have been under, it has caused us problems in our relationship, because of the stress.
I called orkin and they want $1,100 to come exterminate out apartment and they don’t want to because they said it wont do ant good because they will just run to the other apartments and we’ll have them again. We are at our wit’s end. I just want the landlord to pay for what we have lost, what we have had to pay out, get our stuff exterminated, and pay to relocate us and movers.
I WANT OUR RENT BACK FOR EVERY MONTH THAT WE HAVE HAD TO LIVE WITH BED BUGS!!!!! I don’t think that to much to ask. We have contacted the health dept., tenants union, etc. And Bullit County doesn’t have housing or apt. inspectors. So this man keeps getting away with this he knows what he is doing. And it has me so mad. I will not stop until i find a way to get some type of inspectors in here. He rent’s to section 8 shouldn’t they be able to come and inspect? But that wouldn’t do us any good because we pay our rent $700.00 a month to live this way.
I have even went to the police department and got a print out of how many times the cops where here last year just to show what kind of man he is, and that he doesn’t not care. Well the cops where in our apt complex over 420 times last year. Sorry, I know that doesn’t apply to the bed bugs but I’m just getting out my anger. I have read where people have gotten bed bugs from hotels and sued for millions and won. Does anyone know of anyone suing from a apt. complex and winning? I’m not out for millions, i just want us to get back what we have had to put out…..
Oh my god this is terrible. We have them in a Seniors building….once in awhile they find them in one aprt and the poor senior gets their bed tossed out and has to move to another room without any of their stuff to return several days later with a base boards removed mattress tossed. Now it seems to fine there for a bit and then it is another apt.t. Now in mine I don’t have them in my bed put have sticky papers (for mice at the dollar store) around the cable wire that comes out of the wall and catch the odd one there!!! Sooner or later no matter how careful I am I will get the, I can’t aford to move???
I am currently going through the same thing. About 3 weeks ago, I started getting eaten alive at night. I have 5 children, 2 of them being infants. This is the most stressful situation I have ever faced in my life. My apartment management is acting the same way; like this is not a big deal.
Management has promised over the last three weeks that pest control was coming. However I spent the last 3 days, completely packing my house per there instructions to prepare for the treatment, only to find out today by the pest company that they have never even scheduled anything.
There are several other units in my apartments having the same issue, and management is just ignoring the problem which is causing it to get worse. Today I contacted the Tenants counsel in my area, and sent a certified letter to the apartments. I plan on taking any and all action needed to get this taken care of.
This is not right for people and families to have to go through, when it is required by law that landlords address this issue. In the meantime while they sit around and scratch there butt doing nothing, everything that we have worked for is being infested, and our children are going through stress just like us.
I am so irritated. Sorry if I vented, but, I am really stressed about this. And even more concerned about my children!
I hope this guy that is suing his apartment complex wins the case if he has truly dealt with these bugs. I too had a problem with my apartment building they didn’t care about my family being devoured every sleepless night. They never treated the apartments, we had to pay for treatments and it only made the bloodsucking pest bite us even more they would scatter and come back since each apartment has them. We had to move and start from scratch in a completely different part of town at our expense. While many others in the apartment complex are still being victimized.
I originally wasn’t gonna sue or holler about it since we’ve been through enough already, having to move, being furnitureless for months sleeping on the floor with our infant etc… But now that we found a bug in our new they somehow traveled with us, even though we took every step carefully when moving.
I have had my new home treated at my expense and went to my local newspaper hopefully they write something about it to warn people since the bedbug infested apartment building is still advertising for people to move in. That’s serving dinner to these bugs and I think soon I will have built up enough courage from anger to sue that place, they laughed at me when I showed them all the bites and welts my daughter and I had. They tried to say we brought them there when I’ve never seen a bedbug or dealt with bedbugs in my life. And the bugs were huge which means they were full grown adult bugs they had been in our apartment before we moved in and I learned from a couple BIGNAMED pest companies that very same apartment complex had been having problems for over three years and will not go away until they comply and tent the entire building to treat each unit.
Tenting and treating is something the apartment’s managers don’t want to do, their excuse directly to me was “It is the tenants responsibility to pay for the treatment and where would everyone go for three days, its not gonna happen” what a nice guy he is its obvious he doesn’t live there and isnt dealing with the bedbugs he should have some sympathy.
As you can see I am still fed up with this I have spent so much money have lost so much time at work, and all of our furniture we had for years we have lost. I will be getting our last fumigation done within two weeks in our new home please let this be the last I have to deal with bedbugs. I’m exhausted and financially tapped.