How to Check Your Hotel for Bed Bug Complaints
Hotel Bedbugs, you don’t want to stay there! Before you spend the night at a hotel, BNB, or resort, use the information below to research that hotel and any complaints they may have.
Did you spend the night somewhere and find yourself covered in bites the following day? If so, take photos and send them to us, and we’ll share them with others.

Hotel manager claims he has never had a complaint about bed bug bites but unwilling to talk about bed bug complaints.
Even the best-kept hotels can end up with bed bugs; how the hotel handles complaints and how often they treat their rooms is critical (if they can show a regular pest control schedule and act fast after a complaint, they likely won’t be liable.
Unfortunately, some hotels blame the visitor rather than pay for an integrated pest management program (IPM); these hotels usually stand out like a sore thumb when researching.
Perhaps you are one of those unfortunate people who were bitten. Would you like to verify the hotel’s claim that such a problem has never occurred before? Whatever the case, we’ll do our best to research the hotel and provide links to support any findings. This hotel bed bug registry is an entirely free service.
To submit a research request, enter the name of the hotel, apartment, or location into the search box at the top of this page. If there have been reports of bed bugs, the search results will pull that information from our database and display it. If you don’t receive any results, try your search again, but narrow the search to something like just the street address.
If after searching the comments, you don’t find your hotel, then simply leave a comment below with the following:
- Name of Hotel: Enter the full name of the hotel you would like checked for bed bugs. Limit one request per visitor.
- Address of Hotel: Complete address of the hotel
- Detailed Description of your request: For example, “I’ve heard that this hotel has bed bugs, and we plan on staying there next month” or “Planning a trip next month, and we are wondering if there have been any reports of bed bugs?”.
Comments with missing data will be deleted – sorry, but this is time-consuming, and researching missing data makes it that much harder.
If you have been bitten and can take a picture of the infested hotel room, please send it to us, and we’ll try to get it up on the site. Pictures serve as evidence and can also be referred to when dealing with management.
TIP: If you are staying at a hotel, use a UV flashlight to help discover any signs of bed bugs, such as stains, etc. It will probably spot more than you care to know and is a great way to show management that your room also needs new sheets!
Hotel Claim Proven Otherwise
Below, a visitor confronts the hotel manager with proof of being bitten. Management claims they have never had a complaint, yet the internet proves otherwise:
I was bitten around 4:30 am while staying at a Resort and Golf Club. My husband woke me, said a bug bit him, and showed me the tissue. His eyes started swelling up. I took some pics & videos of the tissue with the bug to the front desk, and they sent security to ask questions. They told us this was the first time they had an issue with bed bugs & implied that guests brought them in.
There were no other managers to speak to since they don’t get in until 9 am. I couldn’t bear staying there any longer; my husband’s eye was worsening. I woke up my kids & started packing up & left.
No calls yesterday, so I called them back, can’t get in touch with the manager. I asked for an email and just emailed them the pictures. I googled about the place, found out the CEO’s name, and emailed him the photos last night.
He was the only one who replied to me by email and apologized on behalf of the resort. However, he said he was not involved in the operation. That’s about it, but at least an apology was made; here is his letter response:
I am not involved in the operation of the resort; however, upon inquiry, our manager has advised me that the room has been blocked and is being treated today as we have had isolated instances of this nature and purchased equipment about a year ago as it is becoming a problem at hospitality facilities, colleges, and other large sleeping accommodations.
I am sincerely sorry for this inconvenience and apologize on behalf of the resort.
Guests do in fact bring bed bugs to the hotel, but it’s the hotel’s job to make sure that these rooms are inspected and act fast in fixing any problems.
Although the hotel appears to be acting fast and apologized for the inconvenience, I’d demand a full refund, ask them to pay for a night’s stay somewhere else, and cover all the costs associated with doing laundry to make sure you didn’t bring the infestation home!
Evidence of past bed bug incidents found!
By the way, we did find the resort had two complaints:
- djpxxx on TripAdvisor stated, “The large light in the den was full of dead bugs, a ton, and GROSS!!!!!!!”
- liketotravelxxxx titled “Perfect until we understood what happened” stated they were bitten by bed bugs on their arms and legs and ended up bringing them home along with having to spend money on an exterminator. They also mention that management was unavailable.
The hotel may claim they were not aware of prior bed bug complaints, but documentation indicates they may have known about it but failed to treat the room. Evidence like this may open the hotel up to a lawsuit in your favor.
Tips for Avoiding Bed Bugs While Traveling
Before You Travel
Research your destination: Before booking your accommodations, research if there have been any reports of bed bug infestations in the area. Check online reviews and ask those close to you for recommendations. We help you with this – you can compare our results with yours.
Pack smart: Pack your luggage in plastic bags or bedbug-proof luggage liners to prevent bed bugs from hitchhiking. Avoid placing your luggage on beds, couches, or upholstered furniture.
Make sure you know how to check for bed bugs BEFORE you spend the night.
During Your Stay
Inspect your accommodations:
- Before settling in, inspect your room for signs of bed bugs.
- Check the mattress, box spring, headboard, and other furniture for bloodstains, fecal spots, and live bed bugs.
- Use a flashlight to inspect cracks and crevices.
If you see signs of a bed bug, immediately take a picture before contacting the manager. You may request another room but remember these bugs could have easily infested adjoining rooms.
If there is any sign of bed bugs, why take the chance the next room will be safe? You may want to consider finding another hotel.
Keep your belongings off the floor: Store your luggage on a luggage rack or in the bathroom, away from walls and furniture.
Keep your room clean: Vacuum daily, especially near the bed and furniture. Wash your clothes and belongings in hot water and dry them on high heat.
Be vigilant: Notify the hotel staff if you notice any signs of bed bugs during your stay, such as bites on your skin or bloodstains on your bedding, and ask to be moved to a different room.
Before You Leave
Inspecting your luggage thoroughly before leaving a hotel with a bed bug infestation is crucial in preventing the spread of these pests. Bed bugs can get into your belongings, so it’s important to check for any signs of infestation diligently.
To inspect your luggage:
- Start by placing it on a hard surface, such as a table or the floor.
- Carefully examine the seams and crevices of your suitcase and any pockets or compartments.
- Look for small black dots, which may be bed bug fecal matter or any live bugs or shed skins.
If you see signs of bed bugs, do not bring your luggage home with you. Instead, contact the hotel management and ask for advice on proceeding.
Acting fast is important, as bed bugs can infest your home and cause a major problem.
If you don’t see any signs, you can still take some precautions to prevent any potential infestations. Consider using a luggage liner or plastic bag to protect your belongings from bed bugs. You can also use a portable bed bug heater, which can be used to heat your luggage to a temperature that will kill any bed bugs or eggs.
After Your Trip
Inspect your belongings: When you return home, inspect your luggage, clothing, and belongings for any signs of bed bugs. Wash your clothes in hot water and dry them on high heat before putting them away.
Quarantine your luggage: If you suspect your luggage may be infested with bed bugs, quarantine it in a garage or storage area until you can inspect or treat it.
Vacuum your luggage: Use a vacuum cleaner with a crevice tool to vacuum the seams and crevices of your luggage, paying special attention to the corners and edges.
Most Important Point: Check Before Your Stay!
Remember to research your destination, pack smart, inspect your accommodations, and be vigilant during your stay. If you do accidentally bring bed bugs home with you, don’t panic, we can help!
Our Hotel Bed Bugs Research Service has Ended
Update: Unfortunately, this process is extremely time-consuming and has too many legalities, so we’ve discounted this service. You can do this yourself; simply Google/Bing the name of your hotel and bed bugs using the methods listed above.
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